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Example sentences for "impressing"

Lexicographically close words:
impresse; impressed; impresses; impressibility; impressible; impression; impressionability; impressionable; impressionism; impressionist
  1. That miracles should be employed as a means of impressing truths on the learner, we can well understand.

  2. A King going on a royal progress relieves the misery that comes in his way; his own kindliness, his royal dignity, and the need of impressing on the people that their King delights in doing good, and can do it, require him so to do.

  3. Just then you may not have been conscious of how strongly the scene was laying hold upon you, for often we are so intent upon what we see that we give no particular thought to the fact that it is impressing us.

  4. All writers have borne testimony to the power of a speaker's eye in impressing an audience.

  5. Plunket in his letters to Rome was never tired of impressing on the minds of the authorities there the necessity of affording Irish students more ample facilities for affording a thorough education.

  6. Ye're richt there also," returned the cobbler--his use of the conjunction impressing Donal.

  7. The housekeeper thought she had at least succeeded in impressing upon her that she was in danger of losing her situation in a way that must seriously affect her character.

  8. You shall never have the slightest chance of self-assertion, of impressing your own individuality upon the world?

  9. On this they persuaded the king not only to dissolve the Chamber, but to issue a proclamation impressing upon the electors the need of the country for a more stable administration.

  10. Place me in the presence of Christ, and the Revelation is impressing itself on my answering heart, and exhibiting itself before my living eyes.

  11. We see, therefore, the reasons why music and poetry were introduced as a means of impressing revealed truth, both under the old and the new dispensations.

  12. The first of these methods--the living voice--has many advantages over all other means, in conveying and impressing truth.

  13. We do not mean to say that their influence is as great as some other means in impressing the truths of revelation upon the soul; but their influence is peculiar and delightful, and without it the system of means would not be perfect.

  14. Incidentally the point may be made in passing that Addison humorously took this means of impressing on the reader of the "Spectator" the importance of the supposed writer.

  15. The first and most important means of influencing outside reading is by impressing upon the child's mind the idea that he is studying literature chiefly for the sake of reading to himself and for himself.

  16. Not one teacher in a score had succeeded in impressing upon his pupils the fundamental truth that the only excuse poetry can have for existing is that it fulfils an office impossible for prose.

  17. She told herself that what her relations were perpetually impressing upon her concerning the desirableness of her marrying and making a home of her own, was perfectly just and true.

  18. Helen stood with her hand twined with easy familiarity round her husband's arm; possibly she had studied the attitude with a view to impressing Vera with the perfection of her conjugal happiness.

  19. Diesinking) Defn: A hardened, engraved steel punch for impressing a device upon a die, used in coining, etc.

  20. Defn: The act of seizing for public use, or of impressing into public service; compulsion to serve; as, the impressment of provisions or of sailors.

  21. Wood stamp, a carved or engraved block or stamp of wood, for impressing figures or colors on fabrics.

  22. A stamp or die for molding or impressing an ornamental design upon an object; as, a butter print.

  23. Defn: A teaching and impressing by frequent repetitions.

  24. You will have my fullest and unqualified support in impressing upon the friends the supreme necessity of establishing forthwith and maintaining to the best of their ability the institution of the National Fund.

  25. The formation of the basaltic hills was most striking, the many pyramidal shapes impressing us greatly.

  26. Still there is no harm in again impressing the fact on your mind.

  27. Gordon Ravenspur was impressing upon his father the necessity of looking more sharply after the shooting.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "impressing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.