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Example sentences for "impressments"

Lexicographically close words:
impressions; impressive; impressively; impressiveness; impressment; impresso; impressum; imprest; imprimatur; imprime
  1. The newspapers gave him aid and comfort in both breaches of discipline; and in some instances, their influence against the conscription and impressments was seriously felt in the interior.

  2. New instructions from President Madison now permitted the commissioners to drop the demand for the abolition of impressments and blockades; and, with these difficult matters swept away, the path to peace was much easier to travel.

  3. The Americans had come to Ghent to settle two outstanding problems--blockades and indemnities for attacks on neutral commerce--and to insist on the abandonment of impressments as a sine qua non.

  4. And the impressments took place not only on the high seas but often within the three miles from shore to which a maritime country's jurisdiction extends, {010}and sometimes in the very harbors of the United States.

  5. On the other side, the American instructions, while hinting that England would do well to cede Canada, made the abandonment of the alleged right of impressments by England a sine quâ non.

  6. In 1793 the subject of impressments did not form the only complaint against Great Britain.

  7. Many impressments were certainly made of persons undeniably British subjects, who would scarcely think of applying to Mr. Lyman, and will not, therefore, be found in his book.

  8. On the contrary, the question of impressments is made the basis of continuing the war.

  9. For some years back, the information about French impressments has been general and vague, or altogether withheld.

  10. As there is no reason to suppose that Marblehead has been more fortunate with respect to impressments than other places, we have here something whereby to form an estimate of the number of our seamen taken by the British.

  11. But I do object to its being palmed on the American nation as a true history of British impressments affecting our people and nation.

  12. I do not mean to represent that this is a full account of all the impressments which took place in 1809; on the contrary, I admit that it is not.

  13. For, sir, he knew very well, and we know very well, that for the subject of impressments alone, this country would not go to war.

  14. In these months of struggle for the rights of neutral commerce, the question of impressments had been relegated to second place in the minds of Americans.

  15. Instead of demanding unconditional reparation for this outrage, Madison instructed Monroe to insist upon an entire abolition of impressments as "an indispensable part of the satisfaction.

  16. At the same time new instructions from Washington advised the American representatives that they might drop the subject of impressments if they found it an insuperable obstacle in the way of peace.

  17. North Carolina made but a feeble resistance; and Virginia herself was greatly harassed by the enemy in force at that time in the heart of the country, and by impressments for her own and the defence of the Southern States.

  18. The president was authorized to appoint two or more agents, one to reside in Great Britain, the others at such points as the executive might choose, to investigate and report concerning all impressments of American seamen by British cruisers.

  19. More captures, more impressments would swell the list of our wrongs, and the current of our rage.

  20. The Secretary seems unable to avert the storm brewing against the extortioners; but permits impressments of provisions coming to the city.

  21. Some one has written a flaming article on the injurious manner in which impressments have been conducted in Mississippi--the President's State--and sent it to him.

  22. Everywhere the people are clamorous against the sweeping impressments of crops, horses, etc.

  23. Randolph was the counsel of the speculators whose flour was impressed, and yet this man, when Secretary of War, ordered similar impressments repeatedly.

  24. But he will not do it, as the Constitution only provides for impressments for the public use.

  25. Mr. Seddon is vexed at the unpopularity of the recent impressments by his order.

  26. Our government blundered in sanctioning the schedule of prices fixed by the commissioners on impressments for the next two months.

  27. We reasoned that the commanding general should authorize impressments of food for our use when we needed it as we did then.

  28. Usually these impressments were made for a day or for the trip, the owner commonly sending a driver, who would return with the team when we were through with it.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "impressments" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.