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Example sentences for "influence over"

  • Popular feeling had no influence over him; nor could he submit to the opinions of the ancient fathers.

  • A hank"; a check, an influence over; obsolete.

  • Had royal authority possessed the slightest influence over Bunyan's religious opinions, the question as to his joining the Baptists would have been settled without investigation.

  • And if she were what you say, she would have no influence over me, and I should hate her.

  • And if you really believe he is obtaining an influence over you, avoid him.

  • I declare I almost think he must have a sort of influence over me, for I couldn't go to bed for the life of me, and here I am.

  • Why, already I have an influence over her.

  • That was the way I got an influence over her, and it is the way in which others may get an influence over her.

  • What had become of my influence over him?

  • I began to feel more offended than ever; for, as I told you, I thought I had used my influence over him to better purpose.

  • I felt I had secured my influence over him; and I believed he would keep his word.

  • Conscious that his position toward his friend was altered already in relation to Miss Gwilt, the first sight of Allan filled his mind with a sudden distrust of the governess's influence over him, which was almost a distrust of himself.

  • Paul Crawford round my finger, luckily, and neither his son nor anyone else can diminish my influence over him.

  • Then she has a great deal of influence over him?

  • I am quite sure he misses you, and I don't believe your stepmother's influence over him is beneficial.

  • At a later period the Hussites obtained an influence over them.

  • This power consisted not merely in influence over men’s minds, but also in their position as members of the states of the empire and territorial lords.

  • From what I know of this woman, I feel no doubt that she has used her influence over Mr. Vanstone to deprive me, if possible, of all future interests in my husband's fortune.

  • Yes, such a woman would be capable of obtaining an influence over me.

  • Try and tell of my influence over you, seek to speak one word against me, and mark the result.

  • I must tell them of Voltaire's influence over me, and that it was probable I had, while held under a mesmerist's spell, killed the man I had been trying to find.

  • Why don't you get an influence over her, as you did over Blake?

  • Accordingly I told him of Voltaire's influence over me, and what came out of it.

  • She stood quite alone in the world too, lonely with all her wealth, and there was no one to share her affection with this man, who had acquired so complete an influence over her.

  • No; John Saltram could scarcely hope to carry her off by a coup-de-main, in the face of the artful schemer who had evidently obtained so strong an influence over her.

  • I want to know who he is, Sir David, and how he came to acquire such an influence over my plighted wife.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "influence over" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    address delivered; aged sixty; alien enemies; cotton fabric; different tribes; great dinner; heart tells; inches tall; influence over; limited monarchy; metrical form; others said; primitive times; privately printed; she thought; simply couldn; skull smaller; strong grower; taking his; these occasions; took the; would lead