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Example sentences for "internal secretion"

  • It was formerly believed that the sole function of the testicles was the production of the spermatozoa; recently, however, the opinion has gained ground that these organs have in addition another specific function, that of internal secretion.

  • They would have us deliver a Scotch verdict upon all the questions which arise as soon as one attempts to take in the more general significance of the glands of internal secretion.

  • All are to a certain extent conditioned by the productivity of our glands of internal secretion.

  • In the utilization of data gathered from non-human species, certain differences in the systems of internal secretion must be taken into account.

  • Some authorities think that "every cell in the body is an organ of internal secretion",[2] and that thus each influences all the others.

  • In 1855 he maintained that every organ of the body by a process of internal secretion gives up products to the blood.

  • The credit of having been the first to formulate the doctrine of internal secretion is generally given to Claude Bernard.

  • Carnrick Company appears to be chiefly concerned in the promotion of “internal secretion” specialties; a class of preparations the therapeutic value of which is problematical.

  • We must bear in mind, however, that although the vitamines may influence the secretion of the glands of internal secretion, this explanation does not satisfactorily account for the symptoms of the "deficiency diseases.

  • The action is regarded as coming about in an indirect manner, being accomplished through the hormone action of the vitamines on one or more glands of internal secretion.

  • This substance or "internal secretion" must not be confused with the semen.

  • So it is in the case of growth; certain relatively recent discoveries in physiology have made it possible to establish relations between the development of the individual and the functions of certain little glands of "internal secretion.

  • Moreover, physiology has gained knowledge of the purpose of the thyroid gland, and a clearer insight into the facts relating to internal secretion.

  • No less pregnant of future discoveries was the idea suggested by this newly-found-out action of the hepatic tissue, the idea happily formulated by Bernard as 'internal secretion.

  • We have already observed that the development of the feminine physical and mental characteristics during adolescence and the maintenance of womanhood are due to the generation of an internal secretion of the genital glands.

  • Day and night, asleep and awake, both the breasts and the ovaries are generating an internal secretion that is being absorbed and used by every organ of the body, faculty of the mind and attribute of the moral nature.

  • This function consists in these organs generating an internal secretion which, if not interfered with, will build and maintain a perfect womanhood.

  • Day and night, asleep and awake, the male sexual glands are generating an internal secretion which, if retained in the body, will build and maintain perfect manhood.

  • From the beginning of puberty to the beginning of senile decay, the stallion derives from the testes what is referred to above as an internal secretion.

  • An internal secretion is a secretion formed by a gland, to be poured into the blood or lymph system, while an external secretion is poured out through ducts to the exterior.

  • Their activity consists very largely in the formation of an internal secretion, the office of which is to develop in the male the highest possible state of virility.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "internal secretion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    both universities; ceremony called; different direction; heard mass; home life; internal affairs; internal and border troops; internal combustion; internal evidence; internal heat; internal improvements; internal organs; internal revenue; internal security; internal structure; internal taxes; internally displaced; like shape; national pride; other sins; precious child; regular intervals; shrank from; took great; true womanhood; white steeds