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Example sentences for "last visit"

  • Forty years and more elapsed between my first acquaintance with Weybridge and my last visit there.

  • How sad was my last visit to that once lovely and beloved place, now passed into the hands of strangers, deserted, divided, desecrated, where it was painful even to call up the image of her whose home it once was!

  • During Madame Ristori's last visit to America, I went to see a morning performance of "Elizabeta d'Inglterra" by her.

  • The mania for gain has made immense strides since my last visit--another French importation most disastrous for this country.

  • I have never been more sadly impressed than on my last visit by the stupidity of the people of the North, as well as by their inferiority to those of the South.

  • The German women have become horribly ugly since my last visit.

  • I find everything here wonderfully changed since my last visit.

  • Do you remember a Scottish chieftain, of whom I told you during my last visit to Brighton?

  • The whole day has been, as in my last visit, devoted to the manufactories and warehouses.

  • For since the bishop's last visit, Wellington had contracted such a debt to the missionaries as should have changed its grievance into gratitude.

  • On Marsden's last visit he had indeed disbanded a large army at his request, and had seemed ready to relinquish his design of obtaining utu for the blood of several Ngapuhi chiefs who had been lately slain in battle.

  • Since my last visit, there had been an addition made to the large building.

  • After this the folks enjoyed themselves with music and dancing, and I took a walk about the place to see what progress had been made since my last visit.

  • The visit was an interesting one to me; but I will only refer to the changes which have taken place since my last visit.

  • On coming out of St. Peter's at my last visit, I saw a great sheet of ice around the fountain on the right hand, and some little Romans awkwardly sliding on it.

  • I went to the Pitti Palace yesterday, and to the Uffizi to-day, paying them probably my last visit, yet cherishing an unreasonable doubt whether I may not see them again.

  • That which is dignified by the name of "Los tres Reyes" was the best, at the period of my last visit.

  • Somehow or other the shine and charm are gone from London, since my last visit; and I did not very much admire, nor feel much interested in anything.

  • She and I are good friends always, Mr. Hopkins, though perhaps I shall not be quite so often at your mother's as I was during my last visit to Oxbow Village.

  • Le Baron Russell writes to me of Emerson at a still later period:-- "One incident I will mention which occurred at my last visit to Emerson, only a few months before his death.

  • Mr. Motley's last visit to America was in the summer and autumn of 1875.

  • I was told of this by the person who shot the Greenland Falcon, and by one or two of the fishermen on my last visit to that Island.

  • There were also two young birds in the bird-stuffer and carpenter's shop at Alderney, both of which had been killed in that Island shortly before my last visit, June, 1878.

  • I also looked up the Herold family, who had received me in such a friendly way on my last visit to Paris; but I found Mme.

  • He had long since been granted an amnesty by Austria, and had, on my last visit to Vienna, called on me and offered me the use of his house, to avoid the unpleasantness of an inn, in the event of my returning for a longer stay.

  • I based my opinion upon the experience I had had during my last visit to Paris, when I had attended, among other things, a political meeting of the so-called social democratic party.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "last visit" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    commissioned officers and privates; direct assault; good specimen; last days; last effort; last evening; last farewell; last found; last half; last hope; last lecture; last look; last month; last obliged; last paper; last reached; last resource; last season; last she; last the; last they; last week; last will; serious consideration; twisted smile; will talk