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Example sentences for "limelight"

Lexicographically close words:
limbus; lime; limed; limekiln; limekilns; limen; limericks; limes; limestone; limestones
  1. All you have to do is just to steal out of the dusky wood and stand for a minute with the limelight falling all over you, and then go back again.

  2. Helen with the limelight and the dark wood and the voice talking above her was not me.

  3. But what will not judicious make-up and limelight and due attention to artistic effect achieve?

  4. The duration of the employment of limelight in Drama may be as follows:-- During eviction of heroine into snowstorm, allowance of one beam for a reasonable period not to exceed one minute.

  5. It is regretted that, in view of the situation, no allowances of limelight can at present be sanctioned.

  6. In addition, the Limelight Control Committee furnishes us with the following scale of allowances and restrictions under a new clause of the Defence of the Realm Act:-- DRAMA.

  7. But as I walked on and as that momentary flash of the limelight faded from me I became less confident that I wanted to live in it.

  8. You would no more have thought of turning the limelight on to him than you would have thought of turning it on to the moon at midnight or the sun at midday.

  9. It is not these men, the Coquelins and the Asquiths, who come sprinting before the curtain after drenching themselves in the limelight on the stage.

  10. Has the fellow in charge of the limelight gone to sleep?

  11. He shambles about the stage, his words gurgle in his throat, his eyes roll like a bull's under torture; if he is not throwing agonised glances at the man with the limelight he is straining to catch the voice of the prompter at the flies.

  12. They hate the limelight and they are indifferent to the applause.

  13. You cannot have limelight playing about an allotment.

  14. He seemed to shun the limelight and to be almost unduly modest and retiring, which was of itself, had they but known it, a transformation sufficiently marvelous to have warranted a special "Sunday special.

  15. His first real literary success, that which temporarily lifted him into the outer circle of the limelight of fame, was a poem written the day following that upon which came the news of the sinking of the Lusitania.

  16. But as with more and more intensity the limelight of publicity was turned upon Albert Speranza's life and death and writing, the wife of the Honorable Fletcher Fosdick could not but be impressed.

  17. The great ladies of the 'thirties and 'forties may have been arrogant, but they seldom exploited their personalities, or cultivated a limelight notoriety.

  18. You want the limelight every move you make.

  19. You are sorry only for Mr. Mooney and the limelight his playing might reflect upon you.

  20. The Limelight Man (up in the flies--to himself).

  21. Don't you see that, with father, I was brought up in the limelight since I was a child?

  22. To me--and the world at large--you were simply a girl who forced yourself into the limelight and got up to mischief with people that you simply ought never to have known.

  23. Modestly Sam shifted the limelight so that it fell upon his bunkie.

  24. To an accompaniment of much kicking and heavy breathing, into this natural limelight arose the black countenance of "The Dove.

  25. It took only the stimulating influence of the limelight to bring out and intensify every talent she had ever possessed.

  26. She did not expand as usual under the influence of the limelight until she fairly radiated light.

  27. It was a grand scene enacted in the subdued limelight of an overcast day.

  28. Notwithstanding the great difference in the distances, the limelight was apparently much nearer and brighter than the light twelve miles off.

  29. Years ago a limelight was so arranged as to be used on board ship for illuminating objects at a great distance.

  30. A limelight was placed on the summit of a hill, called Slievesnaught, in Ireland, which was always enveloped in haze by day.

  31. The limelight we can also dismiss for want of steadiness.

  32. If the limelight were substituted for the electric light, it would be found that the slits would require other apertures, not proportional to those already formed, to match the colour of this substance.

  33. How many of those that stood out in the limelight of '98 can tell the tale to-day?

  34. I guess if it hadn't been for Bill I'd never have got into the limelight at all.

  35. I once had a long, long talk with the chief electrician of a London hall, or, to give him the name by which he is best known, the limelight man.

  36. It is the most delicate of all essences of pleasure, and we owe it to the free hand that is given to the limelight man.

  37. Wasn't it enough to win the prize, without going and getting yourself in the limelight again?

  38. She rang Billie's praises to such an extent that the poor girl tried to hide herself in an inconspicuous corner, only to be dragged forth into the limelight again by a couple of laughing and heartless maidens.

  39. From the beginning he set himself to play the game of the popular actor, and neglected no opportunity of turning the limelight on his own doings.

  40. For a time money flowed freely into the coffers; but a Frenchman named Moret came into the limelight as a rival of Lunardi and announced a balloon ascent some little time before that planned by his opponent.

  41. He soon sprang into the limelight as a motorcyclist and a manufacturer of motorcycles.

  42. He longed to shake the fat little creature, shake her until her silly craze for the limelight and desire to be the center of a sensation were thoroughly shaken out of her.

  43. This one belongs to Max and his love affairs, past, present, and future; and it is still Max and his fortunes that we are following as we step back into the limelight of publicity.

  44. A sumptuously bosomed figure stepped into the limelight and sang.

  45. The lure of the limelight had been great, but it had worn off just as soon as he had a surfeit of its false glories.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "limelight" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.