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Example sentences for "longer exist"

  • Australia is peopled, over and above the white or yellow colonists, by only one race-people, the Australians; the Tasmanians who lived near them no longer exist.

  • The Yahgans, who numbered about a thousand individuals in 1884, no longer exist to-day as an independent tribe.

  • Dense forests gave shelter to animals which no longer exist in our latitudes--the Elephas meridionalis, a survival of the pliocene age, the Rhinoceros Etruscus, etc.

  • Seignorial dues and claims, ecclesiastical tithes, and royal or municipal taxes must no longer exist.

  • Since corporate bodies are abolished they no longer exist, and since they no longer exist, they cannot again become proprietors.

  • My brother is my enemy; he has given me sure indications of it and it appears that his hate will not cease until I no longer exist.

  • It is possible that in a few minutes I shall no longer exist.

  • Yes, people will go on amusing themselves, and he will no longer exist!

  • Our memory is a more perfect world than the universe: it gives back life to those who no longer exist.

  • The nature ("being") of begotten things on the contrary consists in going from the origin of their existence to the last limits of the time beyond which they will no longer exist; that is in what their future consists.

  • If we distinguish the difference of these qualities by the sense-organs, these differences would no longer exist in the subjects.

  • If this uniformity and identity of Intelligence were not applied to different things, Intelligence would remain idle; it would no longer exist in actualization, and no more be actualization.

  • If so, one kind will no longer exist; and we shall have to reduce these things to a unity, or category; that is why knowledge is called a form and a power, and ignorance a privation and impotence.

  • These cities no longer exist, but the name of Hybla survives on account of the Hyblæan honey.

  • It commenced from Lacinium, for presently on doubling the cape you come to where the Greek cities formerly stood; now they no longer exist, with the exception of Tarentum.

  • For instance, at the present day the altars of the Philæni no longer exist, but the place itself bears that designation.

  • The ramparts, or rather site of the ramparts (for the fortifications of Bruxelles no longer exist), form an agreeable promenade; but the favourite resort of all the world at Bruxelles in the afternoon is the Attee verte.

  • It is completely commanded and protected by Rheinfels, an ancient hill fortress, but the fortification of which no longer exist.

  • Alexandria is, or rather was, for the fortifications no longer exist, more remarkable for being an important military post than for the beauty of the city itself.

  • Society has been believed interested in this system, because an idea has gone abroad, that if all the actions of man were to be contemplated as necessary, the right of punishing those who injure their associates would no longer exist.

  • These disabilities no longer exist in Protestant countries.

  • There were likewise several species of men that no longer exist.

  • These letters no longer exist, and it is a pity; for this republican botanist seems to have possessed sensitiveness, tenderness and judgment.

  • Many views have thus been modified and many vistas no longer exist.

  • Gentlemen could no longer exist in these times!

  • He who came from other lands was received with a repellant isolation, decreed by those who no longer exist.

  • Our flesh was flesh of those who no longer exist; our souls combined fragments of the souls of many dead men.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "longer exist" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    aged forty; atomic weight; called him; children should; first message; longer able; longer afraid; longer any; longer believe; longer exist; longer exists; longer extant; longer have; longer knew; longer know; longer loved; longer needed; longer period; longer time; message from; presidential candidate; singing birds; social existence; sometimes more; three commissioners; wild country