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Example sentences for "looka"

Lexicographically close words:
lontano; lood; looed; loof; look; lookd; looke; looked; lookee; looker
  1. Maka looka good, don't sitta down, falla down--so!

  2. Thisa fight, she'sa gotta looka real--not lika the actor, butta real!

  3. Den he lifta uppa hees fista looka lika big bunch a banan, an' he vos just goin' to giva litta Georga de smaka de snoota if he tola lie.

  4. Now mebbe so, You weell no calla me so slow Eef som' time you can looka see How she ees com' an' flirt weeth me.

  5. Looka what it says too: 'You Get the Girl; We'll Do the Rest!

  6. If you think you got something to be scared at you looka my old card at the clinic some day; they keep it for show.

  7. Looka my hair curling up like it does in a rain-storm!

  8. Looka down there, honey--there's old man Wyncoop's cow broke tether again.

  9. Looka him lift up that cannon-ball with just his left hand.

  10. Just looka the whole fields out there, so still--like--like a old horse standing up dozing.

  11. Now looka here, (Pointing at the Marshall) You got that lazy Lum Boger here for marshall and he ain't old enough to be dry behind his ears yet .

  12. And looka yonder (happening to notice the street light) only street lamp in town, you got in front of your place.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "looka" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.