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Example sentences for "majestically"

Lexicographically close words:
majestas; majestate; majestatis; majestic; majestical; majestick; majesties; majesty; majestys; majo
  1. Illustration: Mrs. McGillicuddy sat majestically upright in the buggy while the Sergeant bestrode the peaceful and amiable Dot.

  2. Mrs. McGillicuddy sat majestically upright in the buggy, while the Sergeant bestrode the peaceful and amiable Dot.

  3. It stood at the foot of a rising ground, on which grew a grove of magnificent beeches, their large silvery boles rising majestically like columns into a lofty vaulting of branches, covered above with tender green foliage.

  4. And Dennet turned majestically away with her bird--Goldspot only in the future--perched on her finger; while Perronel shook her head bodingly.

  5. The handkerchief was majestically removed, and the sharp eyes of Miss Hendy fixed in unspeakable disdain on the assembled party.

  6. To accomplish the majestically practical work, to shape the whole architecture like a statue, base nothing on impossible modifications of human nature; await nothing from pity.

  7. Majestically the brig glided over the blue sea, like a swan skimming over a tranquil lake.

  8. A beautiful river glides majestically in front of a spacious plain; bounded by hills of gentle acclivity, possessing elegant sites for seats and buildings on commanding situations.

  9. It can be seen from the high lands on the opposite side of the river, and appears at that distance majestically towering above the adjacent country.

  10. Some are standing majestically in all their beauty, which is not at all natural to them in life.

  11. There are some things too dreadful to describe," she answered, and wrapping her Italian blanket majestically about her she retired to her own apartment, shooting one enigmatical glance at me as she closed the door.

  12. He moved slowly and majestically with no effort at silence or concealment.

  13. But now there was no indication of baffled rage as the great lion turned and moved majestically eastward along the wall.

  14. Three of the males were scantily maned but one, the foremost, carried a splendid, black mane that rippled in the breeze as he trotted majestically forward.

  15. But even as he turned the matter over in his mind Numa turned suddenly and walked majestically toward the tunnel without even a backward glance.

  16. Saying these words, Tchertop-hanov jumped off the sofa and majestically withdrew.

  17. He took off his cap, majestically passed his hand over his thick, stiffly curled hair, which grew almost down to his eyebrows, and looking round him with dignity, he carelessly covered his precious head again.

  18. The words 'no nonsense' the great man seemed to enunciate more with his stomach than his lips; he paused and glanced majestically at his neighbour, the general, while he raised his eyebrows higher than any one could have expected.

  19. Majestically marching back to the house between the two, Reverend Finch asserted himself and his authority alternately, now to Oscar and now to his wife.

  20. Pronouncing these lofty words with her severest emphasis, Miss Batchford rose another inch, and sailed majestically out of the room.

  21. Taking her chaperone Mrs. Roseworth's arm, she came sailing majestically along, the men all alive for a smile, the ladies laughing at what they called her preposterous dimensions.

  22. The train moved majestically westward, and his reign had begun.

  23. Captain Cy opened the door for him and stood watching as, holding his daughter by the hand, he marched majestically down the path.

  24. Mrs. Bangs opened the door of the perfect boarding house and stood majestically waiting to receive the prospective guest.

  25. The trio marched majestically down the hill.

  26. It was a beautiful day, and the scenery around was so majestically grand that even its familiarity did not detract from its beauty in the eyes of the little party as it rode laughingly by.

  27. No more is wanted; my elixir will serve for both," majestically responded Edmund, as he placed a cauldron over the fire.

  28. But the very heavens shall laugh at them, and move majestically to your defense when the armies of earth press hard upon you.

  29. He ducked his head, and stepped majestically out the door; and Hardy, who was listening, could hear him softly calling to his cat.

  30. Be back this aft," he said, and rode majestically away up the caƱon, where he would be out of the way.

  31. On one of the four sides of the Plaza Mayor (great square) the Cathedral towers majestically aloft.

  32. An instant after, we marched majestically out of the cabin into which our entrance had been so humble and crestfallen.

  33. The morning after their arrival they cheered as lustily as the others when the twenty-six oars of the king's barge struck the water and the craft moved majestically out of the harbour.

  34. The big ship sailed majestically through the narrows, cast anchor and fired a salute.

  35. In the very sound of them you hear the dying song of long trains gliding majestically into domed stations; you hear the roar of traffic in crowded streets; you hear the dominant throbbing of huge subterranean newspaper presses.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "majestically" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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