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Example sentences for "modern warfare"

  • Notes on the Method of Attack and Defense to Meet the Conditions of Modern Warfare.

  • Notes on the methods of attack and defense to meet the Conditions of Modern Warfare.

  • Besides bringing helpful reminders to new officers regarding the elements of modern warfare, much of the material will be found of radical importance, as it is practically new and never before condensed.

  • The blockade of the South by the North was stringent beyond any precedent in modern warfare.

  • During these days I was brought face to face with men confronted by the most trying conditions of modern warfare.

  • Crouching in an abandoned trench by the side of a runner from battalion headquarters, to which we were returning and scarce one hundred yards away, I witnessed through terror-widened eyes that most appalling sight of modern warfare.

  • I lived with him from the port of entry to the front line, and saw him under every condition of modern warfare.

  • The victory of Narva astonished all Europe, and was the most brilliant which had then been gained in the annals of modern warfare.

  • Russia gained no advantage from the Seven Years' War, except that of accustoming the Russians to the tactics of modern warfare.

  • A citizen soldiery without years of training in the discipline and weapons and mechanism of modern warfare is only a mob, as easily scattered by a few real soldiers as chaff by a whirlwind.

  • The history of bombarding towns affords an instance of something like actual deterioration in the usages of modern warfare.

  • Heavy artillery, wrote Adams, though the most formidable implement of modern warfare, had the disadvantage of requiring many horses to draw it.

  • Several complete trains of the type stated were soon running on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, within the Union lines, and the hospital train thus became an established institution in modern warfare.

  • It affords the most brilliant example in modern warfare of the power of a force strongly intrenched in a favourable position to "contain," that is, to hold or hold back, a greater force of the enemy.

  • It was marked by one of the most daring and effective strokes ever dealt in modern warfare.

  • The operations around Plevna are among the most instructive in modern warfare, as illustrating the immense power that quick-firing rifles confer upon the defence.

  • After having a few weeks of camp life there were fifty men picked out, to go to the English front, to receive instructions in modern warfare.

  • We arrived at Havre, France, and in the rain marched seven miles to a camp called the Central Training Camp, where we spent a few days receiving instructions in modern warfare.

  • And somewhere on the road to that city they knew they were destined to meet a well-trained foe, skilled in all the arts of modern warfare, who would contest their advance.

  • The city is walled and connected by ancient towers--but these antiquated defences would avail little against the means employed in modern warfare.

  • In the annals of modern warfare, perhaps there is no conflict recorded which was so sanguinary and so desperate as the storming of that well-defended breach.

  • But this was probably the least effective of the defences; as, in modern warfare, a plunging fire is not regarded much.

  • The moment that war was declared by Spain, there was begun that siege of Gibraltar which, for the heroic defence, as well as for its long duration of nearly four years, has had no parallel in the annals of modern warfare.

  • Upon this problem Washington was now to be employed for six months without respite, and it was not long before he gave evidence of military genius such as has seldom been surpassed in the history of modern warfare.

  • For what in the annals of History has equalled the holocaust and chaos of modern warfare, of which there was no precedent, of which everything has had to be learned by the bitterest experience?

  • There is no denying that in the early days, before the staff of the Army hospitals was up to the full strength required by the extraordinary demands of modern warfare, they did an immense amount of good.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "modern warfare" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    double quick; escaping from; filthy rags; keep right; little sign; mind the; modern business; modern civilisation; modern date; modern days; modern education; modern fiction; modern geography; modern industrial; modern legislation; modern library; modern life; modern maps; modern music; modern philosophy; modern poetry; modern scientific; modern society; modern usage; poultry house; tierra caliente