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Example sentences for "nohow"

Lexicographically close words:
noggin; nogh; noght; noghte; noho; noi; noid; noight; noir; noires
  1. Nohow Buck ducked his head again and bellowed, caught a shiny quart cup on each horn and a couple washpans on his forefeet and kept right on down the hill.

  2. He jumps in an' gives them ceremonies a scientific whirl as ain't possible nohow to amatures.

  3. He never could talk of her nohow 'thout he'd jes' cry an' cry, like a young feller.

  4. Between us now, as I have just said, a duel would be fought upon unequal terms, since nohow can my life be valued so highly as yours.

  5. I boldly maintain, that no man has ever thought or dreamt anything the elements of which were not to be found in Nature; nohow can he get out of her.

  6. They think 'tis only fit stuff for a daily paper, and mayn't come nohow to church or touch Church goings on.

  7. I don't see no 'casion ter doubt the goodness o' God--I never war so ongrateful nohow as that comes to.

  8. Minta Elladine Riggs ain't keerin' nohow fer sech ez Watt," said the semblance of the setter, with a knowing nod of his red head.

  9. Hard work and I an't nohow afeard of each other; and so long as a man can work, and will work, Satan don't get a full grip on him.

  10. She wouldn't quit nohow till she heard yuh say yuh was all right.

  11. Men never do nohow an' a sick man don't, special.

  12. Joe ain't no runaway nigger, nohow at all, and de Ingins ain't ketched Joe nuther.

  13. You needn't hardly tell, for white hands like yourn there ain't o' much use nohow in the bush.

  14. Well, that ain't agreeable nohow exactly;' and Peter betook himself to a fumbling in his capacious pocket for a tin flask, containing some reviving fluid.

  15. I didn't nohow get the words but it must have been for help, because I looked down and there was a man a-flopping along in the water.

  16. I've been turnin' it over in my mind and I've jest about come to the conclusion it wouldn't be nohow fair to hold it back.

  17. He's an infernal young skunk, and I'd gladly see him hung; still, it nohow suits my book that he should be just now.

  18. They couldn't nohow get rid of the idea that he'd had a hand in giving War Wolf away.

  19. You and Clara will perhaps take me for a gloomy dreamer, but nohow can I get rid of the impression which Coppelius's cursed face made upon me.

  20. I've no objection nohow to obleege you, if, you see, I can find some other gentleman to look after my horses whiles I go.

  21. Well, you see, I can't tell about that nohow at present.

  22. Look out for a bolt," whispered Jim, "but don't show yourself nohow till I tell you.

  23. As for Wellington, he couldn't shine nohow with General Scott, nor old Zack neither!

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nohow" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    anyhow; however; never; nevertheless; nohow; nonetheless; noway; nowise; regardless