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Example sentences for "noontide"

Lexicographically close words:
noonday; noone; nooned; nooning; noons; noontime; noos; noose; noosed; nooses
  1. There, at the foot of yonder nodding beech, That wreathes its old fantastic root so high, His listless length at noontide would he stretch, And pore upon the brook that babbles by.

  2. At noontide faint not thou forlorn, At evening sow again!

  3. This, this is the worship the Saviour made known When she of Samaria found him By the Patriarch's well, sitting weary, alone, With the stillness of noontide around him.

  4. Light my dark and erring way To the noontide of Thy word.

  5. Drink in the sun, made liquid in the breasts Of purple grapes crushed lifeless for thy wine, Until those over tranquil eyes of thine Glow like twin lakes, on which the noontide rests.

  6. With anguish, from the noontide caught; The dark was breathless, and the skies Filled with a thousand prying eyes But scoffed to see my soul's despair, And flung me back my tortured prayer.

  7. There was a morning when I longed for fame, There was a noontide when I passed it by.

  8. All will be gay when noontide wakes anew The buttercups, the little children's dower.

  9. It tells of sweet hours of rest in the hot noontide by still waters, of ample provision for all the soul's longings in green pastures.

  10. All His life long He was the Light of the World, but the very noontide hour of His glory was that hour when the shadow of eclipse lay over all the land, and He hung on the Cross dying in the dark.

  11. Let us follow the light, if it be but a far-off glimmer, sure that it will bring us into noontide day if we are faithful to its leading.

  12. Glorious ye, Whether the sun lift up his shining head, High throned at noontide and established Among the shifting pillars, or we see The sable ghosts of air sleep mournfully Against the sunlight, passionless and dead!

  13. In that ardent noontide glow, however, Pierre no longer beheld the pure ethereal Rome which had met his eyes on the morning of his arrival in the delightfully soft radiance of the rising sun.

  14. The noontide glare that webbed the dark with trembling threads of light aided my fancy, and I reveled in day-dreams.

  15. And now he arose, and his dismissal of the assembly was but as if he sent them to their noontide refections, but he himself refused other attendance, and passed out by a private door with his son.

  16. Edward himself rode forward in the advance, after the noontide of Friday, and during the whole march he seemed to be searching the land with his eyes.

  17. There came a strange hush in the heat of the noontide hours.

  18. Meanwhile hour after hour passed on; the sun rose high; ere long the noontide brought a pause in business; the rushing crowd faded away; and still the expected Friend appeared not.

  19. The hot sun poured down its noontide rays, the dust arose in parching clouds, and followed with the wind their flagging footsteps.

  20. The venerable father, guided by Llewelyn, safely reached her door, and after partaking with them of their frugal noontide meal retired to rest a while, and to resume the devotions broken in upon by his unforeseen expedition.

  21. Evidently they had come to the pool in the early morning, walking over the game pass from some neighboring valley, and after drinking and feeding had moved into the pine forest to find some spot for their noontide rest.

  22. In regions where they know little of hunters they roam about freely in the daylight, and in cool weather are even apt to take their noontide slumbers basking in the sun.

  23. And the cost were too great for a poor king, as they saw it in noontide light, 675 When the trappings, so gay and costly, shone fair in the sun-rays bright.

  24. At noontide a shimmer of gold through the haze pours the sun from his pathway.

  25. It was the high noontide of a summer day when, in sultry Spain, the landscape trembles to the eye, and all nature seeks repose, except the grasshopper, that pipes his lulling note to the herdsman as he sleeps beneath the shade.

  26. At this moment a mighty shout arose in various parts of the field; the noontide hour had arrived.

  27. He murmurs by the running brooks, A music sweeter than their own; He is retired as noontide dew, Or fountain in a noonday grove.

  28. I do not know what becomes of the street-merchants at the noontide of these hot days.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "noontide" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    apex; meridian; noon