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Example sentences for "not from"

  • They refused to commit certain bad actions, not from honesty, but to obey Martial, whom they tenderly loved, and to disobey their mother, whom they feared and hated.

  • You torment Mont Saint Jean from want of employment, not from cruelty.

  • It certainly is not from indigestion; for I do not think they have cooked anything since they have been here.

  • It is not from ill-placed pride I feel these scruples, but the absolute want of any claim to the service I venture to ask of you.

  • Humorous reproof:" that's not from a woman: who can reprove humorously but a man?

  • Miss Graye desired that we should be strangers to each other for the simple practical reason that intimacy could only make wretched complications worse, not from lack of love--love is only suppressed.

  • He learned to write hexameters, not from Homer, but from Voss, and Voss found them faulty; yet somehow Hermann und Dorothea is more readable than Luise.

  • Howes was tolerant also, not from want of faith, but from depth of it.

  • Would I had earned it not from those I served too well.

  • No, not from me proceeds thy fall; the God, Who cares for this, is able to perform it.

  • I heard it not from Heaven, nor came it forth From Justice, where she reigns with Gods below.

  • In error everything comes from beneath, not from above.

  • Eve was formed from Adam's rib, not from a foetal ovum.

  • And if the Christian system be, in truth, not from God, can we suppose, that in his eyes its doctrines with regard to Him are atoned for, by a few good moral precepts?

  • On the other hand--if the Old Testament be not from God, still the New Testament must go down, because it asserts that the Old Testament is a revelation from God, and builds upon it as a foundation.

  • Not from hearsay "assurances" but from what fell from the Premier's own lips.

  • Christ died to save us, not from suffering, but from ourselves; not from injustice, far less from justice, but from being unjust.

  • To will, not from self, but with the Eternal, is to live.

  • Still the parties of the Albizzi and the Ricci were continually on the alert to oppose each other's laws, deliberations, and enterprises, not from a conviction of their inexpediency, but from a hatred of their promoters.

  • What else couldst thou, not from us merely, but from any others, have either had or expected?

  • It is not from my lips, it could not be from any human lips, that that strain of eloquence is this day to flow most competent to move and excite the vast multitudes around me.

  • Not from Bolingbroke, or Shaftesbury, or Gibbon; not even from Voltaire or D'Alembert.

  • British officers can scarcely associate with those of the Continent, not from pride, but instinctive aversion to their low propensities.

  • Malta, not from Coleridge, but a Miss Stoddart, who is there with her brother.

  • For my own part, I have been averse to frequent mention of the mysteries of Christian faith; not from a want of a due sense of their momentous nature, but the contrary.

  • I like ugly people," retorted Archibald, glowering, not from anger, but from earnestness.

  • She said that she had taken little Amrei to live with her, not from a desire to be kind, but in order that she might have some living being about her.

  • For if before their actual origination all effects are equally non-existent in any causal substance, why then should curds be produced from milk only and not from clay also, and jars from clay only and not from milk as well?

  • I shall be mum, then, not from disdain, but from respect.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "not from" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    not dead; not easy; not having; not knowing; not known; not long after the; not love; not made; not make; not need; not pretend; not the; not there; not true; not yet; notary public; note that; noted that; nothing but; nothing came; nothing doubting; nothing further; nothing left; nothing loth; nothing whatever; whose work