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Example sentences for "obliteration"

Lexicographically close words:
obliquity; obliterate; obliterated; obliterates; obliterating; obliterative; oblivion; oblivious; obliviousness; oblong
  1. Still out of rapport with her thought I said something about the obliteration of sectionalism and the arrival of political freedom and general prosperity.

  2. Considerable suppuration supervened, followed by the complete obliteration of the enlarged vessels.

  3. Otherwise, lymph is secreted, whereby the coats of the vessel become thickened, and its internal surface agglutinated, causing obliteration of the canal to a greater or less extent.

  4. It has been recommended to pass a seton, so as to excite inflammatory action, and lead to obliteration of the cyst.

  5. It is supposed that this treatment is effectual by inducing adhesive inflammation, and obliteration of the cavity by adhesion of the tunica vaginalis to the tunica albuginea; but this does not by any means frequently happen.

  6. Inflammation and obliteration of the veins is produced at the cauterised points, the swelling gradually diminishes, and ultimately a dense chord is all that remains.

  7. It has been proposed to combine continued pressure with occasional puncturing of the cyst by means of a fine needle, with the view of diminishing the tumour and ultimately obtaining entire obliteration of the cyst.

  8. A spontaneous cure may also be accomplished from the original aneurism being compressed by one of a more recent origin, causing ultimate obliteration of the canal.

  9. Like most of the Arab rulers, the Abbassides signalled their rise to power by deeds of blood, their first effort being toward the entire obliteration of the house of Ommiades.

  10. One beneficent effect of this appeal to arms in support of a cause which enlisted the highest sympathies, was the obliteration of all sectional lines that had existed on account of the civil war between the States.

  11. There was some wasting of the muscles supplied by the median and ulnar nerves, and complete obliteration of the radial pulse.

  12. Thirty six hours later there was very free hæmorrhage into the right posterior triangle, emphysema at the episternal notch, dysphagia, and complete obliteration of the cardiac area of dulness.

  13. In order, therefore, to understand how the obliteration of the appendages took place, we must first find out what is the past history of the myotomes.

  14. Boveri considers that the obliteration of the atrial cavity in the higher vertebrates is not complete, but that its presence is still visible in the shape of the pronephric duct.

  15. The way in which I imagine the obliteration of the atrial cavity to have taken place is indicated in Fig.

  16. Here, then, is a striking peculiarity of the retina of the lamprey, and according to Mueller the obliteration of these two layers can be traced as we pass upwards in the vertebrate kingdom.

  17. The enhancement of the beauties of landscape and architecture by the effects of mist and twilight is due to the obliteration of detail by these atmospheric conditions.

  18. The probable cause of this obliteration of the central basin or lagoon will be considered in the sequel.

  19. Lauder has recorded the destruction of thirty-eight bridges, and the entire obliteration of a great number of farms and hamlets.

  20. We were out to fight the Germans, and on that one object we had to concentrate all our thoughts to the obliteration of private emotions.

  21. There had been such a democratic upsetting of traditions and customs in the Service, owing to the obliteration of the original British Army, that it was quite refreshing to find that a remnant of Israel had been saved.

  22. The apparent obliteration of the papillae in some cases is due to a filling up of the intervening furrows by permanent deposit of new-formed cells.

  23. Obliteration of the folds occurs in connection with a dilated intestine; when the intestine is contracted they are elevated, tortuous, and close together.

  24. The result of this obliteration of the portal radicles is the impaired nutrition of the lobules and atrophy of the cells.

  25. Parrot reports the pathological change to consist of a proliferation of small round cells in the intertubular connective tissue, followed by contraction, obliteration of the tubules, and degeneration of their epithelium.

  26. Turkey had been an invalid for many long years, and its obliteration from the map of Europe was merely a question of time.

  27. See Apes Goethe on obliteration of original meanings of words, 284 Goodbehere, S.

  28. People were persuaded that they would get better, and, as far as most of them were concerned, this was of itself quite sufficient to turn the scale in favor of improvement that led to the obliteration of symptoms.

  29. Evidence pointing in this direction is the almost complete obliteration of these tribes before 1850.

  30. Martinez describes the total obliteration of Gelecto, which he ascribes to the "wars.

  31. It is at first nearly horizontal, but gradually assumes a more vertical position, and then, owing to the obliteration of the primitive anterior part of the body cavity, appears to mark the front boundary of the body cavity.

  32. The same ingrowth causes the obliteration of the segmentation cavity.

  33. Their cavities gradually become obliterated by a thickening of the walls, the obliteration proceeding from the retinal end inwards towards the brain.

  34. Its walls become segmented and form the mesoblastic somites, which eventually, on the obliteration of their cavity, give rise to the muscle-plates and to the tissue surrounding the notochord.

  35. A proliferation of the connective tissue-cells in the vicinity of the tympanic cavity causes in Mammalia the complete or nearly complete obliteration of the cavity during foetal life.

  36. The obliteration of the segmentation cavity during the period when the pseudo-invagination is occurring.

  37. By the end of the third day the obliteration is complete, and the two walls are in immediate contact.

  38. That the general question of property is at all affected by the obliteration of this interest, is an egregious error.

  39. In all of the cases in which the eye has been examined microscopically obliteration of Schlemm's canal has been reported.

  40. The vessels of the ciliary process, which are larger and more tortuous in adults of advanced years than in the young, become enormously distended, causing almost complete obliteration of the perilental space.

  41. Czermak and Birnbacher describe proliferation of the endothelium of the large veins with contraction and obliteration of their lumen.

  42. Obliteration of the sort is evident, more or less markedly, at all times, and is not due to foreshortening, as the broadest areas are affected.

  43. Coincident with the obliteration of its contour, its dimensions seemingly enlarge.

  44. Even in its utter and complete obliteration by the furious furnace blast that had swept across it, there was still to be seen an unmistakable ground plan and outline of a four-roomed house.

  45. Scarcely an angle of drift or debris marred the perpendicular; the burial of all ruin was deep and compact; the erasure had been swift and sure--the obliteration complete.

  46. The evening of relief was fortunately fairly quiet, but owing to the complete obliteration of all landmarks some difficulty was experienced by the guides provided for the companies in locating the positions to be occupied.

  47. The intense artillery fire to which this ground had many times been subjected had resulted in the almost total obliteration of the trench lines as such, and the position was really held in a line of shell craters.

  48. The fact of the obliteration of the original opening into the Wolffian duct is shewn in longitudinal section in Pl.

  49. For that manuscript is disfigured by heretical blemishes of the grossest nature, and the obliteration of it for the purpose of covering the vellum with other writing was attended with circumstances of considerable significance.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "obliteration" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.