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Example sentences for "organic forms"

  • And it is also true that every one has thought more or less widely and deeply about human nature, about the living world to which we belong, and about the circumstances that control our own lives and those of our fellow creatures.

  • His attainments may seem crude and childish to-day, but they were the beginnings of classified knowledge, which advanced or stood still as men found more or less time for observation and thought.

  • But these and similar subjects in the field of extra-science are beyond its sphere for the very good reason that scientific method, which we are to define shortly, cannot be employed for their solution.

  • From the beginning of the controversy, the arguments for and against have turned upon the evidence of progression in organic forms, found in the ascending series of our sedimentary formations.

  • How happens it that, in ascending from the most ancient strata to the most recent strata, we do find a succession of organic forms, which, however irregularly, carries us from lower to higher?

  • To this cause of minor breaks in the succession of organic forms--a cause on which we have dwelt because it has not been taken into account--we must add sundry others.

  • Now indeed, I think, we see as clearly as possible that Darwinism and Lamarckism, in spite of the great contrast of materialism and psychologism, shake hands on the common ground of the contingency of organic forms.

  • The botanist discovers the constancy of the gyratory motion of the chara in the greater number of vegetable cells, and recognizes in the genera and natural families of plants the intimate relations or organic forms.

  • It brought morphologists face to face again with the wonderful diversity of organic forms, with the unity of plan underlying that diversity, with the admirable adjustment of organ to function and of both to the life of the whole.

  • In Aristotle's view the gradation of organic forms is the consequence, not the cause, of the gradation observable in their activities.

  • He tried to found a science of pure morphology; he failed: his failure showed, once and for all, that a pure morphology of organic forms is impracticable.

  • The idea of the progressive development of the earth in its greater features throughout all geologic time by the action of forces resident in the earth itself preceded the acceptance of the evolution of organic forms.

  • Dana made it an account of the evolution of earth forms and the concomitant and resulting evolution of organic forms.

  • He lived to make his conception of evolution as a natural process, both of the earth and of organic forms, complete.

  • For by this theory we are made acquainted with the active causes of organic forms, while up to the present time Zoology and Botany have simply been occupied with the facts of these forms.

  • We may therefore also term the theory of descent a mechanical explanation of organic forms, or the science of the true causes of Organic Nature.

  • The great value of the Theory of Descent in regard to Biology consists, as I have already remarked, in its explaining to us the origin of organic forms in a mechanical way, and pointing out their active causes.

  • Geologists have attempted to answer this question by estimates based on the rates of sedimentation and erosion, or else on the rate of changes of organic forms by struggle for life and survival of the fittest.

  • These readjustments would cause great changes in physical geography and climate, and corresponding rapid changes in organic forms.

  • By great and widespread changes in organic forms, produced partly by the physical changes and partly by the extensive migrations.

  • Some of these unconformities are local and the changes of organic forms inconsiderable, but sometimes they are of wider extent and the changes of life system greater.

  • During hard times there may be much revolution, or replacement of one set of organic forms by another set of organic forms.

  • EN] I trust that this will not be misunderstood as a new chemico-physical theory of organic forms.

  • The doctrine asserts the simultaneous variations in organic forms and in the physical influences which produce them, but says {167} nothing as to their mode of action.

  • We cannot at present produce osmotic growths with all the combinations found in living beings, but that is only because chemistry still lags far behind physics in the synthesis of organic forms.

  • The figured elements of these pseudo-organic forms depend on the nature, the viscosity, and the concentration of the liquids in which they are produced.

  • As has been already remarked, changes in organic forms must, on the whole, have been extremely slow in the geological past.

  • Of much more cogency, however, is the evidence supplied by the grand upward succession of organic forms, from the most ancient stratified rocks up to the present day.

  • It is essentially stereometric, and relates to a mathematical conception of organic forms.

  • Crystallography of organic forms; -- a division of morphology created by Haeckel.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "organic forms" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
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