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Example sentences for "overbalanced"

Lexicographically close words:
overarching; overawe; overawed; overawing; overbalance; overbalancing; overbear; overbearing; overblown; overboard
  1. In the exertion of releasing it, he nearly overbalanced himself in reality, and again he screamed out with terror and dismay!

  2. I am afraid tennis would have overbalanced friendship in the scales had she not remembered that on Saturday next was a tournament, and she would certainly have no opportunity of playing.

  3. For Marjory's vigorous and ungentle scrubbing had overbalanced the easel, and away crashed the blackboard on to the floor, breaking the pegs, and only just missing the window by a merciful inch.

  4. He had overbalanced on to his back, and, being unable to turn over, had been drowned, though the water was scarcely half an inch deep.

  5. Unless much overbalanced on one side by the limbs, an oak will stand on a still day when almost off.

  6. He turned and fled frantically up-stairs, mistaking for the clatter of pursuit the noise with which Cashel, overbalanced by his ineffectual blow, stumbled against the banisters.

  7. The weight which the opposition derived from these new confederates in the house of commons was still greatly overbalanced by the power, influence, and ability that sustained every ministerial project.

  8. M^r Madison admitted that inconveniences might arise from such a prohibition but thought on the whole it would be overbalanced by the utility of it.

  9. To the 1^{st} objection stated by the other Gentleman it might be answered that supposing the prepossession to mix itself with the exposition, the evil would be overbalanced by the advantages promised by the expedient.

  10. They will be overbalanced by cooperation by generosity, and a spirit of neighborly kindness.

  11. But I do not know," he added, smiling, "whether these little advantages will not be overbalanced by the incongruity of a nobleman receiving them from the hands of an old smith.

  12. Since that time, the losses in Spain have been overbalanced by the conquests in India, Tartary, and the European Turkey.

  13. But the combination, plus the fact that the heavy armor was a little unwieldy, overbalanced him.

  14. If to the neutral solution an extra portion of base is added, so that there is an excess of base over acid, the neutralization is overbalanced and the red paper turns blue.

  15. If to the neutral solution an extra portion of acid is added, so that there is an excess of acid over base, the neutralization is overbalanced in the opposite direction, and the solution acquires acid characteristics.

  16. A small succour came at length under the command of Don Juan de Cardonna; but this was overbalanced by the junction of the viceroy of Algiers with the attacking force.

  17. The heavy knapsacks, besides wearing our shoulders gradually into a black-and-blue state, overbalanced us terribly, and kept us in constant danger of pitching headlong.

  18. It certainly overbalanced the bear, that had been hit by eight bullets from the rifles of Jack and Mark.

  19. Seneca, from his own experience, has deplored and exaggerated the miserable state of Corsica, and the plenty of Sardinia was overbalanced by the unwholesome quality of the air.

  20. These expressions of white ferocity in condemnation of negro ferocity are overbalanced by such strong words as those of Senator Williams: "It cannot be escaped by the extermination of either race by the other.

  21. One guiltless youth was saved and dismissed by the compassion of a veteran general; and this act of humanity, which was revealed by his son, overbalanced the merit of reducing twelve nations to the obedience of Persia.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "overbalanced" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    disproportionate; irregular; leaning; listing; lopsided; unbalanced; unequal; uneven; unstable; unsteady; unsymmetrical