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Example sentences for "public policy"

  • Such a difficult case, such a problem of public policy, was offered by the growth of competitive methods of agriculture.

  • Its instinct is therefore still to treat the control and disposition of land as to a special degree a question of public policy, in regard to which landlords are bound "rather to consider what is agreeable .

  • They were guided by reasons of State, not by the letter of the law, and would punish behaviour as contrary to public policy.

  • If an extremely abstract view is taken there is danger of losing sight of the real problem, which is that of harmonizing these two interests in thought and in public policy.

  • It is an object of public policy to retain among our own people the securities of the United States.

  • During the period I have administered the executive department of the Government great and important questions of public policy, foreign and domestic, have arisen, upon which it was my duty to act.

  • Whether we view these nineteenth-century activities from the standpoint of private business or of public policy, they bear the same testimony to the pioneer attitude of mind.

  • A new attitude in business must be coupled with a new attitude in public policy.

  • I regret that a sense of duty compels me to dissent from your honorable body with regard to any contemplated measure of public policy.

  • It is bound to exercise its authority according to its own view of public policy and principle; and yet this proposition compels it to surrender all discretion.

  • Express Contracts may Include any Stipulation Not Contrary to Public Policy.

  • Almost anything may be stipulated which is not contrary to public policy, and a breach of any such stipulation entitles the aggrieved party to rescind the contract and cease from performing it.

  • Panetta currently co-directs the Leon & Sylvia Panetta Institute for Public Policy, a nonpartisan study center for the advancement of public policy based at California State University, Monterey Bay.

  • Edwin Meese III--Member Edwin Meese III holds the Ronald Reagan Chair in Public Policy at the Heritage Foundation, a Washington, D.

  • The principle of public policy is this: ex dolo malo non oritur actio.

  • Certainly no one will contend for a moment that a transaction fraught with such evil consequences is not immoral, illegal, and contrary to public policy.

  • The name, however, has for several years ceased to designate an existing party, but is rather applied to certain traditional maxims of public policy.

  • Of or pertaining to public policy, or to politics; relating to affairs of state or administration; as, a political writer.

  • It cuts deep and arbitrarily into the actual possessions of New Mexico, such as she held them before Texas had existence; and so conforms to no principle of public policy, private right, territorial affinity, or local propriety.

  • No two men ever agreed better together in respect to important measures of public policy.

  • A pension, or a grant of a gross sum of money, under such circumstances, is a new proceeding under our government, and which finds no warrant in the constitution, and is utterly condemned by high considerations of public policy.

  • What one man thinks is public policy another, equally clear-headed and well-informed, may not.

  • The real intent of those who inserted it was that it should not embrace contracts which were reasonable and not contrary to public policy.

  • The reason for this is a general rule of public policy that in a partnership the corporation would be bound by the acts of persons who are not its duly appointed agents and officers.

  • They must be reasonable and not inconsistent with law or any rule of public policy.

  • With the familiar disposition of the trade community to lay the blame for disordered markets on some move of public policy, the Treasury's operations to reduce outstanding notes were made the scapegoat.

  • Do you know of any instance in recent years in which the people of the state were called upon to vote on a proposed legislative act or a question of public policy?

  • A resolution was finally passed to the effect that the people of Alabama were opposed, for reasons of public policy, to reopening the slave trade, and the state's delegates in Congress were instructed to insist on the prohibition.

  • Reopening of the African slave trade should be forbidden by the Confederate government expressly for reasons of public policy.

  • He was opposed to the slave trade on the ground of public policy.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "public policy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    general utility; inner experience; laid open; public affairs; public assembly; public breakfast; public business; public control; public elementary; public enemies; public expenditure; public finance; public functionaries; public funds; public justice; public liberty; public moneys; public office; public performance; public property; public questions; public sector; public square; public taste; publication office; publicly display