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Example sentences for "quick succession"

  • He fired twice in quick succession, meaning to hit exactly under the fish-like belly of the machines, directly below where he knew the driver sat and the first shot he believed he had missed.

  • One after the other, in quick succession, their great guns opened fire, until the sound was deafening, and it was as if the broad waters were alive.

  • The "Dresden" lay to the north-east, her great guns sounding in quick succession, like peal after peal of thunder immediately overhead.

  • Crouch went to the bows, and fired three shots in quick succession at the fugitives.

  • From bough to bough I dropped in quick succession, until, when I reached the last, I was only twenty feet above ground level.

  • There was a sharp double crack as Oakley and I fired almost simultaneously, then two more in quick succession from my own revolver, and a deep groan which had something terribly human in it.

  • At times, individual cries followed one another in quick succession, culminating in a unanimous roar that seemed to shake the vessel from stem to stern.

  • Several young men seized their guns and fired several shots in quick succession, but Mr Ross stopped them as quickly as possible.

  • Sometimes they mounted up and up from below the horizon like vast arrays of soldiers, rank following rank in quick succession, arranged in all the gorgeous hues of the rainbow.

  • He walked on his hind feet, turned somersaults in quick succession, and acted as though possessed with perpetual motion, but not one yelp or bark or any sound did he utter.

  • Striding across his subaltern's body, Desmond turned upon his assailants, all the natural savage in him lashed to a white heat of fury, and fired twice in quick succession, with deadly effect.

  • This third blow, dealt him in quick succession, left him broken in heart and spirit, as he had never been broken in all his days.

  • In that narrow harbor they caught in quick succession, with the herring bait, three large pickerel, each one giving them a lively fight before it was landed.

  • The Ojibwa demonstrated the use of the new weapon by shooting a squirrel and a gull in quick succession, and the boys, admiring his skill, at once set to work to practice with the other bow.

  • Then, knowing he would get no better chance for a shot, Nangotook let fly an arrow, and then a second and a third in quick succession.

  • The two pieces rang out in quick succession, and as the reports echoed through the forest both deer gave a wild leap into the air.

  • Instead of trying to regain it, he turned and shuffled excitedly to the nest, and when he reached it the bird sitting there stretched out her neck towards him, and opened and shut her beak several times in quick succession.

  • The mind has difficulty in passing readily through so many different views given it, in quick succession, of the same object.

  • The mind has difficulty in passing readily through many different views of the same object, presented in quick succession.

  • When words in apposition follow each other in quick succession.

  • The prisms are so arranged that the apparatus, making one complete revolution in the minute, produces a group characteristic of 4 flashes in quick succession every 30 seconds (fig.

  • Showing groups of two or more flashes in quick succession (not necessarily of the same colour) separated by eclipses with a larger interval of darkness between the groups.

  • The last act is replete with beautiful melodies following each other in quick succession.

  • Defn: In a flutter; with palpitation or quick succession of beats.

  • To strike with a quick succession of slight, sharp sounds; as, pattering rain or hail; pattering feet.

  • To make a quick succession of sharp, inharmonious noises, as by the collision of hard and not very sonorous bodies shaken together; to clatter.

  • A quick succession of slight sounds; as, the patter of rain; the patter of little feet.

  • We took stations several yards apart, and suddenly I heard Smith's rifle bang six times in quick succession.

  • Not fifteen minutes after we parted, Harry's rifle banged three times in quick succession, the reports rolling out from the gorge in majestic waves of sound.

  • They trotted straight toward Harry, and in a moment we heard two shots in quick succession.

  • Two more shots followed in quick succession, both shrapnel.

  • The little scout was taking soundings within three hundred yards of shore, when a Spanish masked battery on the east side of the harbor, commanding the entrance, fired three shots in quick succession.

  • But he was soon re-enforced by the regulars, who were followed by Company C of the 6th Illinois and then by other troops in quick succession.

  • Sea followed sea in quick succession, and Morton's utmost care was required to save the boat from being swamped.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "quick succession" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another writer; certain limit; further resistance; general agent; heart went; indispensable part; liquor traffic; mental disorder; particular thing; quick about; quick breath; quick fire; quick gesture; quick movement; quick oven; quick pace; quick pulse; quick step; quick succession; quick time; quickly made; rheumatic fever; rial perspective; small nations; soon followed; standing committees