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Example sentences for "reunite"

Lexicographically close words:
reule; reull; reunification; reunion; reunions; reunited; reunites; reuniting; reuoke; reuoked
  1. Poincaré wrote that the League of Nations would lose its best possibility of lasting if, un jour, it did not reunite all the nations of Europe.

  2. But Europe will not have peace until the three progressive countries of the Continent, Germany, France and Italy, find a way of agreement which can reunite all their energies in one common force.

  3. If we do not wish conquerors and conquered to fall one after the other, and a common fate to reunite those who for too long have hated each other and continue to hate each other, a solemn word of peace must be pronounced.

  4. I only ask of thee thy prayers for help and aidance; so haply Allah will reunite me with my wife and children right soon.

  5. I beseech thee, by Allah, to reunite me with my wife and children, though it cost me my life and my soul!

  6. Wert thou alone with us the thing were light; but He who conveyed thee hither is capable to carry thee back to thy country and reunite thee with thine own people forthright and in readiest plight.

  7. Replied Shawahi, "An I bring him to thee, wilt thou reunite him with these his children?

  8. Although no motive was necessary to explain your clemency, the motive which Monsieur La Trimouille did express, was to reunite all Frenchmen in the service of the country.

  9. Haply shall Allah reunite me with my children and my husband!

  10. The two did not succeed in coming together that night, and Lee was obliged to make a wide detour in order to reunite with his chief on the afternoon of the next day, Sunday, June 12.

  11. But care was taken that he could reunite at any moment.

  12. Cavour had other projects, he was anxious to reunite Parma and Modena with Piedmont, he was eager to have their Lombard estates returned to those Italians concerned in the last revolt against Austria.

  13. You must watch the moment when you are to reunite your actors.

  14. But let us not suffer it to part us, when it ought to reunite us, if the friendship you have offered me is not a futile word.

  15. Its mission is not merely to reunite all the separate categories of poetry, and to bring poetry into contact with philosophy and with rhetoric.

  16. From one end of a voltaic battery runs a wire, dividing at a certain point into two branches, which reunite in a single wire connected with the other end of the battery.

  17. Animals consume vegetables, and cause them to reunite with the atmospheric oxygen.

  18. When Nuzhet ez Zeman heard this, she exclaimed, "May God the Most High reunite him with those he loves!

  19. For these reasons, O good friend, it behoveth thee to reunite thyself with me.

  20. It is difficult to reunite the two that have been separated, as, indeed, it is difficult to separate the two that are united.

  21. If, as is sometimes seen, uterine brothers or husband and wife having quarrelled reunite together from a natural affection, such a thing is not to be seen in persons unconnected with one another.

  22. How, again, through his grace, was Daksha enable to reunite the divided limbs of that Sacrifice?

  23. When Nuzhat al- Zaman heard this, she exclaimed, "Allah Almighty reunite him with what he loveth!

  24. But, as our attention has distinguished and separated them artificially, it is obliged next to reunite them by an artificial bond.

  25. A part is no sooner detached than it tends to reunite itself, if not to all the rest, at least to what is nearest to it.

  26. But he warmly espoused the movement to reunite the party the next year.

  27. The mind that embraces them is not endeavoring to blend contradictions into a common confusion, but to reunite great ideas in the unity from which they started.

  28. It must be admitted, however, that the endeavor to reunite the two churches has far more hope of success in the nineteenth than it had either in the sixteenth or seventeenth centuries.

  29. Let him who falling silver has espied (Which mercury by alchymists is hight) Scatter, and reunite each broken member, Hearing my tale, what he has seen remember.

  30. And they exclaimed, 'We beseech God to reunite us with him whom we desire, and he is none other than our son Ghanim ben Eyoub!

  31. I wonder if the days will indeed reunite us with him!

  32. The ambition of his life was to reunite the republics of Central America in a confederacy such as existed a few years after independence.

  33. The attempt to reunite the republic ended with the death of the Dictator, and the whole country was thrown into confusion.

  34. His ambition to reunite the five Central American republics in a confederacy was not successful; but it was inspired by a desire to do for the neighboring States what he had done for Guatemala.

  35. General Torrejon, who with nine hundred good soldiers kept Santa Anna in awe at Perote, has been sent for to Mexico, Bustamante wishing to reunite his forces.

  36. By the fifth--This congress extraordinary shall reunite in six months after it is convened, and shall solely occupy itself in forming the constitution.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reunite" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.