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Example sentences for "rumpled"

Lexicographically close words:
rumoured; rumours; rump; rumped; rumple; rumpless; rumpling; rumps; rumpus; run
  1. His streaked gray hair was rumpled and on end, and his face was ugly.

  2. He put the paper and envelope carefully into his pocket, smoothed out his rumpled coat, and going over to Mason touched him on the shoulder.

  3. He took from the table a rumpled paper and turned to the littlest factor in the great Rebellion.

  4. The Southerner flushed, and for reply produced the rumpled paper from his boot leg, and handed it over without a word.

  5. His father was looking at Biff's rumpled white jacket.

  6. He was a swarthy man, short, wearing a rumpled white suit.

  7. But it upsets me to be hurried; it upsets me worse than being rumpled in the morning.

  8. Clyde, finally, sinking into a chair "When I get rumpled in the morning I stay rumpled all day.

  9. There were torn and rumpled tulle ruffles lying about, bows, and artificial flowers.

  10. Quite humbly, in a rumpled coat-- A dustier and a wiser goat!

  11. The Naughty Girl A naughty girl had got no toy, And didn't know what to do, So she rumpled her frock And tore her sock, And tried to eat her shoe.

  12. Doris, her curly rumpled hair showing over the top of the hammock, and Kit tucked away her service charm against the day of its redemption.

  13. She was about seventeen, but a short, roly-poly type, with curly rumpled hair and gray eyes that never seemed to keep from mirth.

  14. They were lying on his desk, one of them torn in two as if in a fit of anger, the other rumpled from a hundred readings.

  15. He showed me a rumpled sheet of paper, procured from the waste-basket, on which had been written a number of unrelated figures.

  16. Barbara came slowly into the middle of the room and stood there, quite unconscious of her rumpled hair and of the streak of dust that was smeared across her face.

  17. The child's heart sank as she suddenly thought of her short gymnastic frock, and her rumpled hair, and her dirty hands.

  18. Is he out at elbows, does he wear dirty linen and rumpled stockings?

  19. She shook out the pale-flowered chiffon of her rumpled frock and gathered back a strand of her dark, disordered hair.

  20. And within the entrance a young man with rumpled dark hair and a thin, bronzed face flushed with impatience was imperiously conveying the Arabs who were bearing the precious sarcophagi.

  21. Granthope buttoned his light overcoat tightly over his rumpled evening dress and walked with the girl from Santa Rosa, enjoying the scene quietly, speaking in monosyllables.

  22. Tommy Candy, still standing on the threshold, stared after them with his mouth wide open, and slowly rumpled his hair till it stood on end in elfish spikes, as it had done in his childhood.

  23. Tommy grinned, and rumpled his hair with an elfish look eminently unfitting a trustee.

  24. The stout man's thinning hair was rumpled over a perspiring forehead.

  25. Every one seemed sorry when the time came; the children were inconsolable, and Mr. Bhaer's hair stuck straight up all over his head, for he always rumpled it wildly when disturbed in mind.

  26. I don't think secrets agree with me; I feel rumpled up in my mind since you told me that," said Jo, rather ungratefully.

  27. The morning sun, about four hours high, played through his rumpled hair, the auburn gleaming like flame.

  28. And then he gave me a push and rumpled my hair all up and said, "You won't be ashamed of me on account of my honorable wounds, will you?

  29. Because," I started to say and then he rumpled my hair up some more and began talking and never gave me a chance.

  30. He lay on the sofa, and rumpled his hair, and wished all human beings to call him "Tom.

  31. And Berry rumpled his hair and murmured: "Peace and coffee at Mrs. Tillotson's afterwards.

  32. She had said good-night half an hour before; she was in her wrapper, and her hair fell over one shoulder in a rumpled braid.

  33. A rumpled Chinese jacket of black cotton funereally invested him, with wide black trowsers of the same dark stuff.

  34. He was clad in a rumpled linen suit the trousers of which were drawn well up his plump legs above white socks and low black shoes, broad and loose fitting.

  35. With the look of worry he regarded his father, now before the fireplace after the manner of one enjoying its warmth, and his Uncle Sharon, who was brushing cigar ash from his rumpled waistcoat to the rug below.

  36. He pushed his soft black hat back from his rumpled crest of gray hair and commanded Minna Vielhaber to break a municipal ordinance which had received his official sanction.

  37. For one of these men stood at ease; well set up, confident, not noticeably rumpled as to attire or flustered as to bearing.

  38. The little steel curb was twined tight about her right wrist below the rumpled white cuff.

  39. He glanced sidewise at the shiny steel cuffs, which he had fished out from an ulster pocket and which lay upon the rumpled covers of his bed.

  40. On a small round table near the window stood a nosegay of half-faded flowers in a glass, and a green, rumpled ribbon was lying there also .

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rumpled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    corrugated; crumpled; disheveled; furrowed; knitted; knotted; matted; puckered; pursed; rippled; rugged; rumpled; shaggy; snarled; uncombed; unkempt; untidy; wrinkled