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Example sentences for "salutary"

Lexicographically close words:
saluer; saluo; salus; salut; salutaris; salutation; salutations; salutatory; salute; saluted
  1. Inspector of Schools in South Simcoe, stated what had been the salutary effect of the School Law of 1871 in his county.

  2. The momentous political events which preceded this union, and which led to the total disruption of all political parties and combinations, were very salutary in their effects.

  3. The worthy Baron was too faithful a servant to refrain from saying something to reassure his Royal mistress, though a salutary recollection of Mirliflor's warning made him careful not to say too much.

  4. That one State should undertake to annul the proceedings of the whole twenty-four, is a thing plainly at variance with this received and salutary axiom.

  5. Soon, instead of rush and water-lily from which the toad compounds his venom, we shall see buttercups and clover, sweet and salutary herbs.

  6. Without listening to the salutary remonstrances of the senate, he dismissed their ambassadors under the conduct of a military escort, too numerous for a retinue of honor and too feeble for an army of defence.

  7. A sentiment of patriotic sympathy was at length revived in the breast of the fortunate exile: and he lamented, with a flood of tears, the guilt or weakness of those magistrates who had perverted the wisest and most salutary institutions.

  8. Some salutary restraints, imposed by the people on their own passions, were at once the cause and effect of the gravity and temperance of the Romans.

  9. They will tell us, doubtless, that the terrors which religion inspires are salutary terrors; that the dogma of another life is a bridle sufficiently powerful to prevent the commission of crimes and restrain men within the path of duty.

  10. We can now see that the rise of the emancipated slave was not only inevitable, but that it was, on the whole, salutary and rich in promise for the future.

  11. Such men, linked to one another by memories of boyhood and by the cares of the same official career, must have been a powerful and salutary element in social and political life at the opening of the Antonine age.

  12. I had already written to Darell and Gosling to obey your commands, and was in hopes that you had already made large and salutary evacuations.

  13. The idea of firm and honourable union of parties pleases me much; but you must frankly unfold what are the great difficulties that may impede so salutary a measure: you write to a man discreet in speech, and now careful of papers.

  14. Certain patriots of the wilful sort are wont to flout reason in these matters, blustering of "false cosmopolitanism" and "salutary prejudice.

  15. If "salutary prejudice" is to be the shibboleth of future civilisation, the due upshot will be the attainment of it one day by the now semi-civilised races, and the drowning out of European patriotisms by Mongolian.

  16. There is the mummy's head which has so often inspired me with salutary thoughts; and there is the book in which I have so often sought conceptions of God.

  17. The loss of my property had already inspired me with salutary reflections, but the example of my friend was of yet greater efficacy; it made such an impression on my heart that I quitted the world and retired into the desert.

  18. Among the Sumatrans blood is never drawn with so salutary an intent.

  19. To effect the salutary purposes of discipline, meetings were appointed, at an early period of the society, which, from the times of their being held, were called quarterly meetings.

  20. Some of our tenets have, in former times, as hath been shown, subjected our friends to much suffering from government, though to the salutary purposes of government our principles are a security.

  21. Prima facie, it seems a dreadful doctrine to claim a place for war as amongst the evils that are salutary to man; but conscientiously I hold it to be such.

  22. At dawn of the 7th the lookout on the Real sighted the van of the Turkish fleet coming out to the attack, and this news had a salutary effect.

  23. Of late schools have been established in different parts of the province, but the subjects of education are too confined to work any salutary change in the rising generation.

  24. Such were the narrow views of people hitherto supposed capable of opening their hearts to all salutary novelties, but now put to a genuine test, as Mrs. Tarrant felt.

  25. Should he not be able to act in that way upon the public opinion of his time, to check certain tendencies, to point out certain dangers, to indulge in much salutary criticism?

  26. His measures were, therefore, often characterized by a degree of temerity and precipitation, that could not have been permitted under the salutary checks afforded by popular interposition.

  27. It is used as a motive for every duty, and as a magnet to draw men to Jesus Christ by salutary dread.

  28. There is nothing, per se, salutary in affliction, there is nothing, per se, antagonistic to Christian faith in it either.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "salutary" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    advantageous; beneficial; benevolent; benign; bracing; conducive; constitutional; constructive; contributory; curative; favorable; good; healthful; healthy; helpful; hygienic; invigorating; nutritious; positive; profitable; refreshing; remedial; salubrious; salutary; sanitary; serviceable; therapeutic; tonic; useful; wholesome