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Example sentences for "scolex"

Lexicographically close words:
scoldings; scolds; scole; scolers; scoles; scoliosis; scollop; scolloped; scollops; sconce
  1. In some cases the larva of a Taenia has a free existence in the scolex condition.

  2. There are some grounds for comparing the scolex to the Cercaria of Trematodes, cf.

  3. The so-called head or scolex may be formed without the intervention of a cystic stage.

  4. Scolex forms, without a caudal vesicle, are found in the mantle cavity of Cephalopoda, and appear to be occupying an intermediate host in their passage from the host of the cystic worm to that of the sexual form.

  5. The scolex is distinguishable from that of the other human tape-worms in possessing a triple circle of hooks.

  6. In this form the scolex is contained in a sac of connective tissue induced by the presence of the parasite.

  7. In most species of tape-worms the scolex is simple or individual in character, and consists of a head like that of the parent or mature worm, with a neck ending in a capacious cyst, within which the head and neck are inverted.

  8. The scolex has long been known, and was regarded as a distinct parasite, with the name of Cysticercus cellulosae.

  9. The discovery of the characteristic hooklets of the scolex in the fluid withdrawn from the tumor will be conclusive as to the presence of echinococci.

  10. The compound scolex thus forms a sac or a group of sacs, the basis of hydatid tumors.

  11. The larva or scolex dies and atrophies; the measle degenerates, and often becomes the focus of calcareous deposit, shrinks to a little cicatrix, and may finally disappear.

  12. In other species of tape-worms the scolex is of compound character; that is to say, the embryo {933} in its further development gives rise to the production of one or more groups of individuals in conjunction.

  13. Sometimes the compound scolex fails in development further than the production of the sacs, which then constitute the so-called acephalocysts.

  14. When fresh pork measles are swallowed by man they are digested in the stomach, and the cysticercus or scolex is released and passes into the small intestine.

  15. At about the thirty-eighth day the crown of hooks appeared, the suckers were formed, and the whole head of the scolex was sketched out.

  16. Isolated scolex of the Taenia echinococcus from the pig.

  17. An acaris, the Trichodectes, lives in the hair of young dogs and harbours the scolex of this cestode.

  18. We give a figure of the echinococcus of the pig, slightly magnified, and an isolated scolex (Figs.

  19. Our Echinostoma militare produces oval-shaped eggs, which give birth to a free ciliated embryo, and this embryo produces a sporocyst or scolex by internal budding.

  20. It is well known that the larval or scolex stage (Cysticercus tenuicollis) of the margined tapeworm resides in the sheep and dog.

  21. A tænioid scolex constantly infests the muscles and viscera of the great sunfish.

  22. Edouard Van Beneden found this scolex in great abundance in a dolphin (Delphinus delphis), which he dissected at Concarneau in 1868.

  23. A remarkable scolex infests the sun-fish (Orthagoriscus mola); it is a true tetrarhynch, but has been variously classed.

  24. Subsequently much fuller details of the structure of the scolex were supplied by the illustrated memoir of Dr Maddox (above quoted).

  25. By the intervention of the pedicle of the scolex this system is connected with the brood-capsule, and also with the vessels of the maternal endocyst.

  26. The scolex should be studied with a low-power objective.

  27. Scolex of taenia echinococcus, showing crown of hooklets; 2, scolex and detached hooklets (obj.

  28. The scolex is surrounded by four sucking discs, and has a projection, or rostellum, with a double row of horny hooklets (Fig.

  29. The three tape-worms first mentioned are distinguished from one another mainly by the structure of the scolex and of the uterus (Fig.

  30. The series represents a colony, of which the {248} scolex is ancestor.

  31. The proglottides are sexually complete individuals, derived from the scolex by budding.

  32. The scolex is about the size of a pin-head, and is surrounded by four sucking discs, but has no hooklets (Fig.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scolex" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.