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Example sentences for "show themselves"

  • In animals, as in societies, the distributing agencies begin to show themselves at the same relative periods, and in the same relative positions.

  • And in this and the various complications which now begin to show themselves, we may see coming into play that general law of the multiplication of effects flowing from one cause, to which the increase of heterogeneity was elsewhere ascribed.

  • The Goths, of their own accord, fell back behind the ramparts formed by their waggons, and for seven days they never once ventured to come forth or show themselves.

  • They knew better than to show themselves.

  • It was some time, however, before they thought it wise to show themselves in the doorway of their lodge.

  • They feared that crafty foes might be watching from ambush, and they hesitated to show themselves.

  • This gloomy stillness continued about six weeks when the symptoms of a gathering storm began to show themselves.

  • After this decisive blow it was some time before any armed party of the Americans ventured to show themselves south of the Santee.

  • Whether they had best all of them, to show themselves in this design to the town of Mansoul.

  • They are to be met with in great numbers in forests of pine trees, and, according to Latreille, show themselves sometimes in such great numbers as to become an object of terror.

  • When the winter has stripped the leaves off the trees, the Lepidoptera are seen no more; but as soon as the leaves begin to show themselves on the trees and shrubs, this tribe of the insect race again makes its appearance.

  • In the autumn the males and females show themselves, and from that moment ovipositing recommences.

  • If the Devourers are cowards enough not to dare to show themselves, after a second volley of stones, there is a door down there which we can break open, and we will soon hunt them from their holes.

  • Lights begin to show themselves in the dark villages, but they rise not from the cheerful and pleasant rustic hearth.

  • The people of the environs, still more excited, no doubt by other agitators, show themselves hostile to the workmen of our factory.

  • A man of finer observation would have discovered the signs of no ordinary anxiety and alarm, struggling to show themselves openly in the poor woman's face.

  • Ere long, the first forewarnings of the coming disturbance in their harmless relations towards each other, began to show themselves.

  • And for more than a century and a half they resided elsewhere, hardly daring to show themselves in the capital, because they felt more and more their moral isolation in the midst of the Roman people.

  • Social distinctions began to show themselves, detestable ones for the most part, since there was no social cultivation.

  • Thenceforth the enemy's ships no longer ventured to show themselves on the open sea, and made no further attempt to obstruct the crossing of the Roman land army.

  • So that the bishops, humiliated, and with their jurisdiction lessened, had no other resource left them to recover their authority than to show themselves ultramontanes, and so gain the good graces of the Holy See.

  • Of course there are vegetable giants as well as human giants, and they are no good, except to show themselves at fairs!

  • Perhaps the apes will think we have gone quite away and will show themselves again.

  • The walls of the keep were massive and strong, and its top far higher than the walls, so that from above a storm of arrows poured down upon all who ventured to show themselves.

  • The town was quiet, for the inhabitants cared not to show themselves in the streets now that such a large army of fierce men were in the neighbourhood.

  • And now that the outwork was captured, a storm of arrows, stones, and other missiles was poured into it from the castle walls, and rendered it impossible for any of its new masters, to show themselves above it.

  • Three layers of this, the magnesian limestone, show themselves at this place, of which the intermediate bed is of a dull blue color and compact structure, and is composed in a great measure of the remains of this species.

  • It appears to glide wholly over the primitive or crystalline rocks, which rise in some places through the soil, or show themselves at rapids.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "show themselves" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    appear before; appointed colonel; asking himself; competitive examinations; good profit; late lord; regard iniquity; secret room; show herself; show him; show his; show itself; show signs; show that; show the; show you; showed itself; shower bath; showing that; shown above; shows itself; shows that; shows the; speak not; thin muslin; thou shalt not build