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Example sentences for "simpler"

Lexicographically close words:
simper; simpered; simpering; simple; simpleness; simples; simplest; simpleton; simpletons; simplex
  1. And in solving the mystery that underlies life, the enlightenment will come not by the study of the complex man, but through the simpler plant.

  2. In character this ornament recalls to mind the bronze pendants of which so many occurred in the cemetery at Halstatt, though this is of far simpler design.

  3. The hammer-heads of the next form to be noticed are of a simpler character, being made from ovoid pebbles, usually of quartzite, by boring shaft-holes through their centres.

  4. The aim of camping is to make things simpler for the Camper.

  5. This seems very simple to the girls of today, and will seem even simpler as the years go on, but, like the Yellowstone River, it needed its pioneers!

  6. It is therefore simpler and more plausible to suppose that each higher step has arisen from the one before it, than to suppose that each has, so to speak, begun an evolution on its own account.

  7. From this and similar examples we can learn at what point "explanation" begins to replace description, namely, when processes resolve themselves into simpler processes from the concurrence of which they arise.

  8. This seemed to be cramped and menaced by those "reductions to simpler terms" which we have already discussed.

  9. But furthermore, this reduction to simpler terms is an impossible and never-ending task.

  10. If this is not the case, the reduction to simpler terms has been misleading.

  11. In reducing to simpler terms, it is often forgotten that the principle of combination is not inherent in the more simple, and cannot be "reduced.

  12. But ultimately a stage is reached when the component parts are homogeneous, and cannot be analysed into simpler machines.

  13. Fermentation nearly always consists of a process of breaking down of complex bodies, like sugar, into simpler ones, like alcohol and carbonic acid.

  14. For the apparatus required to carry out the simpler methods of bacteriological work reference should be made to the standard laboratory text-books, which furnish all necessary details.

  15. With these may be associated the Decomposition or Putrefactive Bacteria, which break down complex organic products other than nitrates into simpler bodies.

  16. They live on the dead organic matter of the soil, and their function appears to be to break it down into simpler constitution.

  17. It is obvious, therefore, that fermentation is really only a change of position, a breaking down of one compound into two simpler compounds.

  18. In order that this complex material should be of service in the economy of nature, and its constituents not lost, it is necessary that it should be broken down again into simpler conditions.

  19. A plant secures its nourishment from much simpler elements than is the case with animals; for example, it obtains its carbon from the carbonic acid gas in air and water.

  20. Let us find a simpler way; this scientific display does him no good.

  21. Our pupil will have even a simpler and more uniform mode of speaking, because his passions, not yet aroused, will not mingle their language with his.

  22. Not only do thoughtless mothers promise children fine clothes by way of reward, but foolish tutors threaten them with coarser and simpler dress as punishment.

  23. My dear fellow," he said in answer to my stammered suggestion that marriage was simpler and less fraught with perilous possibilities, "Ann and I are not in the least hoodwinked by marriage.

  24. I must talk in simpler ways for all I study.

  25. These churches certainly indicate that a very different view of religion prevailed; they testify to a simpler and stronger sense of religion than now exists, but not, I think, to a truer sense of it.

  26. There would be people who would condemn it as immoral; but it is not our duty, unless we believe it to be so, to convert others to a simpler kind of morality in wholly indifferent matters.

  27. I thought that I might live life, of the brevity and frailty of which I had become suddenly aware, upon simpler and more rational lines.

  28. These experiments have been conducted to test sensory discrimination, precision of motor response and some of the simpler types of judgment, such as those involved in the solution of simple puzzles with blocks, matches, etc.

  29. They were developed in the process of evolution as useful methods for enabling the human animal to cope with a radically different and incomparably simpler environment.

  30. The simpler physiological actions are not performed in the same way by any two individuals, and no social practice is ever performed in the same way by two members of a group, or by two different generations.

  31. The theory explains the origins of species, somewhat as follows: The variety of species now current developed out of simpler forms of animal life, from which they are lineally descended.

  32. Variant sounds uttered by one individual may be caught up in the language, especially if the variant articulation is simpler or shorter.

  33. Such alignment will enable us to specify the approximate degree of general intelligence which a given position demands, and thus, in the case of the simpler tasks, afford a means of vocational guidance as well as vocational selection.

  34. Can tests of the simpler laboratory type be used to indicate the individual's ability as shown in his daily work and play?

  35. Various investigations are now under way in which these same methods are being used in the intensive examination of individuals who have engaged in simpler and more common forms of activity, with varying degrees of success.

  36. Even today such records are available in accurate form for only the simpler operations, in which standardized conditions of work can be maintained.

  37. Here's a rough draft of a part of the letter, and a single passage from it will be enough: "I can conceive of no simpler way to you than the knowledge of your name and address.

  38. His plan at once was simpler and more profound.

  39. If we take a piece of iron or gold there is no process known by which we can resolve it into simpler form, and these are therefore elements.

  40. By the word element we mean that which can not be resolved into any simpler form.

  41. If the fuel reaches its destination what is simpler than to set the pockets on fire and have the coal burn in the yards instead of the furnaces?

  42. If you are a joiner or woodworker, what is simpler than to ruin furniture without your boss noticing it, and thereby drive his customers away?

  43. His method of performance is simpler and easier than Chopart's.

  44. It is now a much simpler and more satisfactory operation.

  45. I thought the last word in literary art had been said to me by the novels of Tourguenief, but it seemed like the first, merely, when I began to acquaint myself with the simpler method of Tolstoy.

  46. I began to employ in my own work the archaic words that I fancied most, which was futile and foolish enough, and I formed a preference for the simpler Anglo-Saxon woof of our speech, which was not so bad.

  47. I was not fit for work in the printing- office, but that was a simpler matter than the literary work that was always tempting me.

  48. That ancient, subtle, and treacherous affinity among the emotions, whereby religious exaltation has before now been made the ally of the unpurified passions, is parodied by him in a simpler and more useful device.

  49. It surely was an idyllic picture that the dear old lady drew, and I have often wished myself amid the rush and roar of modern life, that we might go back to the simpler methods of those Arcadian days.

  50. The procedure is even simpler and more expeditious than the determination of the weight of a substance by means of a balance.

  51. The statolithic theory has been adversely criticised because in simpler organs the geotropic action takes place in the absence of statoliths.

  52. The case becomes simpler after the attainment of maximum curvature.

  53. True it is, that for every man the question between the two theories has to be decided by somewhat simpler considerations than any such survey.

  54. It would not have been amiss for him to have exchanged his solitary repast more frequently for the simpler fare of the refectory.

  55. Lille was known for its woollen cloths, Brussels for its tapestry and carpets, Valenciennes for its camlets, while the towns of Holland and Zealand furnished a simpler staple in the form of cheese, butter, and salted fish.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "simpler" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.