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Example sentences for "slanderous"

Lexicographically close words:
slander; slandered; slanderer; slanderers; slandering; slanderously; slanders; slane; slang; slanged
  1. Hard by Are those, whom slanderous charges doomed to die.

  2. An account of the whole controversy was written by Mr. Welde and sent over to England for publication in order that the Colony might not suffer from slanderous reports, and that no "godly friends" might be prevented from coming over.

  3. Either I must, or have mine honour soil'd With the attainder of his slanderous lips.

  4. Löbel remarks seriously that this disproves the slanderous assertion so often made that the Turks are incapable of true love!

  5. As our Jackson foes and their correspondents are busy in circulating slanderous and wicked reports concerning our people, their views, etc.

  6. We see then, that many statements which would not be slanderous would be libelous.

  7. Certain clearly slanderous or libelous statements may, nevertheless, not be actionable, because they are absolutely or qualifiedly privileged.

  8. Especially Champagny, the man by whom the duke was most hated and feared, made himself busy in compiling the slanderous chronicle in which the enemies of Farnese, both in Spain and the Netherlands, took so much delight.

  9. Are not the Queen herself and the Comte d'Artois lampooned and caricatured in the garden scenes, and the most slanderous ridicule cast upon their innocent evening walks on the terrace?

  10. It had already been whispered that she had left France, only to save herself, like the rest; and she would no longer remain under so slanderous an imputation.

  11. Of me, that you will utter to my face Such harsh, unfriendly, slanderous injuries Even of my husband?

  12. They often serve only to polish the slanderous tongue, increase its tact, and give it suppleness and strategy.

  13. How small a matter will start a slanderous report!

  14. I tried to keep it from him, and failing, the world is welcome to roll it as a sweet morsel under its busy, stinging, slanderous tongue.

  15. It, however, is your excellency's name, and that the slanderous villains cannot deprive you of.

  16. But had the noble Theseus heard these falsehoods, he would have served their slanderous authors as he served the Minotaur!

  17. For fear of slanderous tongues, she would not permit him to accompany her train, but caused him to follow at a seemly distance.

  18. Yes - and it is my belief that Eliza Millward and she, if not the very originators of the slanderous reports that have been propagated, were designedly the encouragers and chief disseminators of them.

  19. I only know that I have heard nothing definite against it - nothing that could be proved, at least; and till people can prove their slanderous accusations, I will not believe them.

  20. Slanderous writers nourished this hatred, and in their endeavors to throw contempt upon the Judaeans they falsified the history of which the Judaeans were justly proud.

  21. But it would be money well spent; it would silence the slanderous tongue.

  22. The man threatened that if she did not keep this appointment he would go to Langbourne and find John Everard, and then into John Everard's ears he would pour out his poisoned, lying, slanderous story.

  23. There came to light about the yeare of Christ 1561, a very deformed impe, begotten by a certain Pedlar of Germany: namely a booke of German rimes of al that euer were read the most filthy and most slanderous against the nation of Island.

  24. These men visited the Modoc camp from humane and kindly motives; yet tongues of irresponsible parties dared to speak slanderous words against these men who ventured where their vilifiers would not have gone for any consideration.

  25. I strove to conceal the torture I felt and answered: "You enjoy saying spiteful things to me; that is your habit; but you would be sorely embarrassed to prove your slanderous remarks about my wife.

  26. Duly received by all the New England Colonies except Massachusetts, where slanderous rumours were circulated against the Commission and Commissioners.

  27. In fact, we were obliged to consult the magistrate, a friend of ours, as to the measures we ought to take to contradict and put a stop to such slanderous charges.

  28. Listen, Leo: you know nothing about me, and what you think you know will have been told you by slanderous tongues.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "slanderous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.