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Example sentences for "slaveholding"

Lexicographically close words:
slaunderous; slave; slaved; slaveholder; slaveholders; slaveowners; slaver; slaveries; slavering; slavers
  1. The division of the Methodist church into distinct organizations of slaveholding and non-slaveholding States, was not a secession and neither division lost its interest in the common property.

  2. This regulation, or something very much like it, is believed to be in force in all the slaveholding States.

  3. Hence the outrages committed on peaceful citizens, travelling in slaveholding States; and the efforts to put down discussion, in almost all the States which call themselves free.

  4. The Bureau was soon organized in all the former slaveholding States except Delaware, with general headquarters in Washington and state headquarters at the various capitals.

  5. The former slaveholding class continued to be more considerate of the Negro than were the poor whites; but, as misrule went on, all classes tended to unite against the Negro in politics.

  6. How long, if you were to dissolve this Union--if you were to separate the slaveholding from the non-slaveholding states, would African slavery have a foothold in this portion of the land?

  7. Here one would expect to find the slaveholding soldiers.

  8. The presence of the institution not only turned the tide of immigration from Virginia, but, during the three decades preceding the Civil War, it promoted a steady exodus of the whites from the slaveholding sections.

  9. At the close of the Revolution, Virginia was the largest slaveholding state in the Union.

  10. Such an act, however consistent with slaveholding tyranny, would not be regarded as constitutional at Bunker Hill.

  11. Other treaties were made with Tripoli and Morocco, and more money was paid for the same object, until at last, in 1801, the slaveholding pretensions of Tripoli compelled a resort to arms.

  12. This principle has been adopted by tribunals even in slaveholding States.

  13. Are slaves in the District of Columbia, and in the slaveholding States, legally the subject of property?

  14. The hypocrites of the North tell us that slaveholding is sinful.

  15. And in his inaugural he said: "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with slavery in any of the slaveholding States of the Union.

  16. In pushing on the war with heart and soul, we inevitably render slaveholding at any rate a most precarious institution, and one likely to be broken up altogether.

  17. He was himself free from the operation of the law; for he did not run from any Slaveholding State, being brought into the Free States by his master.

  18. Bad as are the laws and customs in a slaveholding community, the doctor, as a professional man, deemed it prudent to keep up some outward show of decency.

  19. As I said before, there ought not have been, and there did not necessarily result from our form of Government, any irrepressible conflict between the Slaveholding and the non-Slaveholding States.

  20. Then, sir, according to law, the Slaveholding States have got equality in the Territories.

  21. You may pass into another State that has a like law; and if you do, you hold it by virtue of that law; but the moment you pass beyond the limits of the slaveholding States, all title to the property called property in slaves, there ends.

  22. On the same day, Edmund Randolph, of slaveholding Virginia, laid before the Convention a series of fifteen resolutions, containing his plan for the establishment of a New National Government.

  23. The effect of this concession has been obvious in the preponderance which it has given to the slaveholding States over the other States.

  24. The States in which slavery is prohibited, ultimately, though with reluctance, acquiesced in the disproportionate number of representatives and electors that was secured to the slaveholding States.

  25. For we see now that for the sake of slavery the slaveholding leaders are willing to destroy the Government.

  26. This was what the slaveholding aristocracy saw at once to be the fatal omen for their cause, and nicknamed 'Abolitionism.

  27. His violent denunciations of the practice of slaveholding excited the anger of the planters, and he was compelled to leave the island.

  28. I deem it right to raise my humble voice to convince the citizens of America that the slaveholding states are held in abomination by all those whose opinion ought to be valuable.

  29. Our natural, God-given right of free speech, though constitutionally recognised as sacred in every part of the country, can be exercised in the slaveholding States only at the peril of our lives.

  30. The cause of the slaveholding States was getting weaker and weaker, and what were they to do?

  31. If slaveholding is not wrong under all circumstances, why have you decreed it to be so, within the limits of your State jurisdiction?

  32. As Nero fiddled while Rome was burning, so the slaveholding spirit of this nation rejoices, as one barrier of liberty after another is destroyed, and fresh victims are multiplied for the cotton-field and the auction-block.

  33. For one pulpit that is not "recreant to its trust," there are ten that openly defend slaveholding as compatible with Christianity, and scores that are dumb.

  34. But, to the non-slaveholding States, particularly, we are indebted for a permanent safeguard against insurrection.

  35. Why do you make slaveholding unlawful among yourselves?

  36. The John Brown affair exasperated her people in common with that of every other slaveholding community, and led to the organization of the State-guard.

  37. To refuse to admit a slaveholding State into the Union did not occur, probably, to the most earnest opponent of the system; for that would have been simply to say that there should be no Union.

  38. That was what Madison meant in saying so repeatedly that the real difficulty in the way was, not the difference between the large and the small States, but the difference between the slaveholding and the non-slaveholding States.

  39. But it was the poorer whites, the more democratic, non-slaveholding element of the south, which furnished the great bulk of the settlers north of the Ohio.

  40. It assumes at pleasure to build up new slaveholding States, striving perpetually to widen its area, while professing to extend the area of Freedom.

  41. Will he oppose, at all times, without compromise, any further addition of slaveholding States?

  42. The first years of his public service were years of signal victories of the slaveholding power.

  43. The object of this general convention was to present to Congress a Southern ultimatum, and in the event that this should not be heeded, to urge the secession of the slaveholding States.

  44. Illustration: Wheat Areas in 1840] If the planter and dominant element of the South urged Polk and Walker onward in their course and gave power to Calhoun, the greater masses of non-slaveholding Southerners were hardly less enthusiastic.

  45. The whole of the Louisiana cession was slaveholding territory, and settlers had gone up the Mississippi River and its western tributaries with their slaves.

  46. In 1819 it was found necessary to provide a territorial government for Arkansas; and the people living about the Missouri River applied to be admitted as a State with a slaveholding constitution.

  47. Another line of division was between the slaveholding and the non-slaveholding States; here the champions were Massachusetts on one side, and South Carolina on the other.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "slaveholding" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.