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Example sentences for "small stones"

  • I forced my way into them, and saw two more arches, built of small stones, and obviously of Arab work; the northern of these was the termination of the eastern conduit from the great gallery.

  • These measurements are only approximate, owing to the quantity of small stones, which have raised the general level of the ground, and are difficult to clear away.

  • These and other fragmentary bits have walls not over a foot thick, built of small stones dressed by rubbing, and all laid in mud; the inside of the walls also show a smooth coating of mud plaster.

  • An unusual employment of small stones in an upright position occurs at Zuñi.

  • The ground plan of this early Walpi can still be partly traced, indicating the former existence of an extensive village of clustering, little-roomed houses, with thick walls constructed of small stones.

  • On removing the surface they are found to be constructed internally of small stones, frequently bearing marks of fire.

  • The Bauta-stein of Norway and Denmark corresponds in its signification with the Cat-stane of Scotland, nor are there wanting examples of Scottish monoliths surrounded like the Danish ones with a pile of small stones at their base.

  • They are so called from their habit of turning up small stones in search of mollusks and other aquatic animals.

  • Small stones, or fragments of stone; very small pebbles, often intermixed with particles of sand.

  • Defn: A subsoil made up of small stones or finely-broken rock; brash.

  • A subsoil made up of small stones or finely-broken rock; brash.

  • The walls of the rooms on the west are composed of large stones laid in plenty of mud mortar and plastered inside and out; those of the eastern portion were built of small stones, chinked but not plastered.

  • The walls of this room are only 7 inches thick, of adobe on the sides and back and of small stones in front.

  • In the rivers where are collected the small stones from which tin is smelted, there are three genera of small stones to be found, all somewhat rounded and of very light weight, and devoid of all metals.

  • The Bottom is of Various kinds, sometimes Coral Rocks, Coral Rocks and broken Shells, Coarse sand and broken Shells, Small Stones and at other times fine Sand varying at almost every Cast of the Lead.

  • A large peice of Coral rock was sticking in one Hole, and several peices of the Fothering, small stones, etc.

  • And after this is the country Esh-Shâour, where there is water from springs which run upon the face of the earth, and palms and houses built with small stones.

  • Passed by also several desert mosques, which are simply the outline in small stones, of the ground-plan of Mahometan temples.

  • The walls of the city had merely cement and small stones.

  • The sole objection is that a silentio, silence of archaeological records as to inscribed small stones.

  • The space between the two series of small stones is filled in with a sheet of melted granite, some twenty-four inches wide, resting on calcareous tufa.

  • In subsequent visits it was ascertained that on the south slope of the mountain there is a circle about 250 feet in diameter, with a wall of twelve feet thick, consisting of small stones piled up in a sort of vellum.

  • Another at Tyfta in Sweden is remarkable for its curious construction, the uprights being set rather apart from one another and the spaces between filled up with dry masonry of small stones.

  • Between these two a third circle, much more irregular and of small stones, could just be distinguished.

  • It is, however, very probable that these alignements had some religious signification, and the same is no doubt true of certain small circles of small stones, also found in the Deccan.

  • This usually rests on two entire side-slabs, the ends being filled up either with entire slabs or with masonry of small stones.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "small stones" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    small aperture; small black; small boy; small church; small cottage; small dose; small escort; small folio; small garrison; small girl; small hamlet; small house; small libraries; small line; small mammals; small measure; small orifice; small parties; small public; small quantities; small quantity; small rock; small stream; small teaspoonful; small voice; small work