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Example sentences for "systems"

Lexicographically close words:
systematize; systematized; systematizing; systeme; systemic; syster; systole; systolic; syth; sythe
  1. Progress of Civilisation is accelerated by constantly extending systems of individual, moral, social and sanitary quarantine.

  2. Just so it is with respect to the various systems and systems of systems that compose the universe.

  3. By a similar process on a smaller scale the systems of satellites were evolved from the contracting primary.

  4. These planets rotate on their axes; and circulating round some of the planets we have their systems of satellites.

  5. The case, then, is as follows:--Among all the various systems one must be true.

  6. Many of the planets are accompanied by systems of revolving moons.

  7. It may be that as the other stars are suns, so they too may have systems of planets circulating around them; but of this we know nothing.

  8. Finally, we shall show that when we extend our view beyond the limits of our Solar System to the beautiful starry systems scattered through space, we find even there evidence of the great law of universal gravitation.

  9. Among the sidereal systems we find not a few cases where the problem of three bodies, or even of more than three, would have to be faced without any of the alleviating circumstances which our system presents.

  10. The theory of tidal evolution, which in the hands of Professor Darwin has taught us so much with regard to the past history of the systems of satellites in the solar system, will doubtless also, as pointed out by Dr.

  11. The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and to alter their constitutions of government.

  12. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.

  13. When the vines are long enough, cover them at the joints with earth in order to develop secondary root systems for the plant in case the main stem is injured.

  14. A dozen different systems of training may be practiced on the same trellis and from the same style of pruning,--for training is only the disposition or arrangement of the parts.

  15. One is a vigorous effort to arrive at the original meaning of the books, rather than to the exclusion of any reference to theological systems of later date; in other words, honest exegesis, rather than polemical discussion.

  16. Science seeks facts and arranges them in systems of cause and effect.

  17. By this easy progression of ideas, the immensity of space will appear to us to be filled with systems of worlds; and that no part of space lies at waste, any more than any part of our globe of earth and water is left unoccupied.

  18. The systems of the one are as false as those of the other, and are calculated for mutual support.

  19. It has been the scheme of the Christian church, and of all the other invented systems of religion, to hold man in ignorance of the Creator, as it is of government to hold him in ignorance of his rights.

  20. In this view of the case it is the moral duty of man to obtain every possible evidence that the structure of the heavens, or any other part of creation affords, with respect to systems of religion.

  21. The first and the last of these men were founders of different systems of religion; but Jesus Christ founded no new system.

  22. What a fool do fabulous systems make of man!

  23. Of all the systems of religion that ever were invented, there is none more derogatory to the Almighty, more unedifying to man, more repugnant to reason, and more contradictory in itself, than this thing called Christianity.

  24. All other systems of unity, except the apostolic, either sacrifice the Church to the individual, or the individual to the Church.

  25. Like all other systems which have attracted followers, it addresses itself, not to the logical intellect, but to the imagination, which it affects to set aside.

  26. Under the systems which we call patriarchal, the modern distinction between sins and crimes had no existence.

  27. Some of us are provided with nervous systems that are predisposed to particular moods.

  28. Thereupon a still higher synthesis combines these two co-ordinated systems into the more complex system, or idea--conjunctive pronoun.

  29. The economic and social systems of the world have become so involved and intertwined that there is hardly anything one country can do which does not react in some way on the interests of the subjects of another country.

  30. Two of the main causes of the war are the Turk and the Magyar, whose effete and tyrannous systems have each in its own manner and degree long kept South-Eastern Europe in a ferment of unrest and reaction.

  31. Thus Italy was constantly subject to invasion, and the state-systems with which the Congress of Vienna resaddled her in 1814 were little more than relics of past military occupations of her soil by foreign armies.

  32. My rapid survey of the mountain-systems of the globe now brings both writer and reader to the African Continent, which contains, however, an unusually large proportion of plain and low level.

  33. In North America these two systems are the Rocky Mountains on the west; and the Apalachian, or Alleghany, on the east.

  34. The most important of the European systems is that of the Alps, whose majestic and glorious landscapes have been for ages the admiration of the poet and the artist.

  35. Consequently, a major problem for resolution is the operational integration of communications systems and networks among the relevant Federal, State, and local agencies.

  36. From a purely structural standpoint, the more rigid or elevated systems (such as railroads and pipelines) which cross major faults on an east-west axis would incur the heaviest damage, with initial losses approaching 100 percent.

  37. In addition, transportation systems generally have an inherently significant degree of redundancy and flexibility.

  38. Consequently, detailed site analyses may require modification of the conclusions reached in this report, particularly fault systems other than the San Andreas and Hayward faults.

  39. In addition, a good case can be made in that community systems experiencing impact may be more efficient and rational than they are in "normal" circumstances.

  40. Because of their network-like character, most systems for transportation and water and power generation and distribution, as a whole, are resistant to failure, despite potentially severe local damage.

  41. National warning systems circuitry, command and control circuits, and circuits supporting diplomatic negotiations (of which a high concentration exists in California) are examples of those circuits carrying high-restoration priority.

  42. Smaller magnitude--and consequently less damaging--earthquakes are anticipated with greater frequency on a number of fault systems in California.

  43. Earthquakes associated with the same four major fault systems identified earlier in this chapter were used as a basis for these estimates.

  44. The principal difficulty would be the greatly increased need for these systems in the first few days after the event, when lifesaving activities would be paramount.

  45. These systems would suffer serious local outages, particularly in the first several days after the event, but would resume service over a few weeks to months.

  46. It is very singular that the Iranians should have had, after their migrations and settlements, religious ideas and systems so different from those of the Hindus, considering that they had common ancestors.

  47. As we called attention to in the chapter on Mohammedan law, there are four distinct systems of jurisprudence in India, all in full operation and effect.

  48. The Commonwealth of Australia is not yet a dozen years old, but the need of superseding six separate systems of law respecting marriage and divorce by a national law on the subject is already apparent and under constructive discussion.

  49. In India there are four distinct systems of jurisprudence, all in full operation and effect.

  50. That is to say, the Hindu and Mohammedan systems of law apply respectively to Hindus and Mohammedans, and to no one else.

  51. The Japanese Government, in its efforts to improve the institutions of the country, has introduced systems of reform from various countries.

  52. What was believed to be the best of the various systems was then selected as the model of Japan's new departure and adoption of Western civilization.

  53. The moisture thus gathered and thus deposited forms the thousand currents of water that descend from the heights at the easternmost end of the continent, and convert themselves into the largest and most imposing water systems in the world.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "systems" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.