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Example sentences for "thame"

Lexicographically close words:
thaler; thalers; thallium; thallus; tham; than; thana; thane; thanes; thanh
  1. And the Devill start vp in the pulpett, lyke ane mekill blak man, haifand ane blak buik in his hand, callit on ewerie ane of thame, desyring thame all to be guid serwandis to him, and he sould be ane guid maister to thame.

  2. And the said Barbara and Effie McCalyane gatt than ane promeis of the Dewill, that his hienes pictour sould be gottin to thame twa, and that rycht sone: And this mater of his hienes pictour was the caus of that assemblie.

  3. Item, a Prince or a King suld nocht oure lichtly trow all talis na sudayn tydingis; ffor mony learis oft tymes flechis lordis with false talis, and settis thame in wrang and euill purpose.

  4. To the quhilkis poyntis of acordans the Squyre suld take gude tent, and knaw thame all, and hald thame prentit in his hert percure, with all the Vij.

  5. To proue that the sayd Paget did say, Shortlye will come vnto the realme frenche dogges, I hope I shall see thame all rootted out.

  6. Maties sayingis that thay will swear thame all albeit thair consciences persuade thame of [the] contrair.

  7. All these causis makis the kingis pairt to be deadlie suspected be those quha knawis thame to be of veritie.

  8. Whylk my lord wold [not] have grantit to thame if they .

  9. It is a pretty conceit of Drayton's, to make his bridal pair, Thame and Isis, travel to meet one another along paths flower-decked by willing nymphs.

  10. Park-like grounds and pleasant trees succeed, Sinodun Hill looms up ahead, and one may penetrate up the Thame to Dorchester, where the willows nearly meet overhead.

  11. The keystones of the central arch are adorned with sculptured masks of Thame and Isis.

  12. In Drayton's Polyolbion, we have the pretty allegory of the wedding of Thame and Isis, from which union is born the sturdy Thames.

  13. I TAK fra thame and cryis doune all the gude dedis that ever thai did or sall do, quhill thai ryse frae this cursing.

  14. Into the Thame also runneth the Bremicham brooke, which riseth foure or fiue miles about Bremicham in the Blacke hils in Worcestershire, and goeth into the aforesaid water a mile aboue Crudworth bridge.

  15. And decornis the said actis and every ane of thame tu haue na effect nor strenth in tyme to cum.

  16. This bischop tuik furth ane great scheife of arrowes knitt togidder werrie fast, and desired him to put thame to his knie, and break thame.

  17. God in maist hie honouris, ceasis nocht, maist wiolentlie blindit with awarice, to spoilye and draw to thame selfis the possessiones of the Kirk.

  18. Butt be sick pratick as I have schowin yow be the similitud of thir arrowes, that is to say, yea must conqueis and break lord by lord be thamselffis, for yea may not deall with thame all at once.

  19. The Ministeris, evin in the begynnyng, in publict Sermonis opponed thame selves to suche corruptioun, for thei foir saw the purpose of the Devill.

  20. That the said abbaceis confirmit be thame sall neid na prouisioun of the court of Rome.

  21. Thair wes nane that he ourtuk, In rycht or yit in wrang, 30 But all in schondir he thame schuke, The gyane wes so strang.

  22. Then he yeid to tak up the bairnis, Thocht to haif fund thame fair and clene; The first that he gat in his armis 95 Was all bedirtin to the ene.

  23. He trailit foull scheitis doun the gait, Thought to haif wescht thame on ane stane; The burne wes rissin grit of spait, Away fra him the scheitis hes tane.

  24. And caud the gaislingis furth to feid; Thair was bot sevensum of thame all; 50 And by thair cumis the gredy gled, And likkit up five, left him bot twa.

  25. The Kyng Alysandyre off Scotland Come on thame than wyth stalwart hand, And thame assaylyd rycht stowtly: Thai thame defendyd rycht manlyly.

  26. The other cause is; that as for thame that has written in it of late, there has never ane of thame written in our (Scottis) languag.

  27. For albeit sindrie hes written of it in English, quhilk is lykest to our language, zit we differ from thame in sindrie reulis of poesie, as ze will find be experience.

  28. Now thame says as they thame wroght, And in thare saying it semes nocht.

  29. Essex with the bulk of his men lay quietly sleeping a few miles to the northward at Thame as Rupert struck in the darkness through the leafy lanes that led to the Chilterns, and swooped on the villages that lay beneath their slopes.

  30. But commandiment upoun commandiment, and charge upoun charge, was gevin, which urged thame so, that unwillinglie thei obeyed.

  31. In such vehemency and threatnyng continewed that servand of God neyr ane hour and ane half, in the which he declared all the plagues that ensewed, as plainlie as after our eyes saw thame performed.

  32. His ansuer was, "The mekill devill bear thame away, that first and last said thame.

  33. Goddis maleson and myne I geve to thame that knowis of this geyre, and restoris it not.

  34. As thow may se, thick scurgis monyfald Lich vpon thame that proudly dois disdane.

  35. The Devill commandit thame to keip the jountis upoun thame, quhill thay wer dry, and thane to mak ane powder of thame, to do ewill withall.

  36. Then he commandit thame to keip his commandmentis, quhilkis war, to do all the ewill they could.

  37. Or a lytill before sche come to itt, about ellewin houris att ewin, they danceit alangis the Kirk yaird, Gelie Duncan playit to thame one a trump.

  38. Ile let thame stand tul they doun fa, Mither, mither, Ile let thame stand tul they doun fa, For here nevir mair maun I bee O.

  39. Lord Williams of Thame was on the spot by the queen's order; and the city guard were under arms to prevent disturbance.

  40. The pope had granted permission without difficulty to fill the vacant sees; and on the 1st of April six new prelates were consecrated at St. Mary Overies, while Sir John Brydges and Sir John Williams of Thame were raised to the peerage.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thame" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.