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Example sentences for "thereon"

Lexicographically close words:
therefrom; therein; thereinafter; thereinto; thereof; thereout; thereover; theres; therethrough; thereto
  1. The lower part of the stem has thereon a sliding collar F, and links G, with their lower ends hinged to the collar, have their upper ends attached to the swinging arms D.

  2. I therefore request that you will be pleased to take this subject into your early consideration and to adopt such measures thereon as you shall judge proper.

  3. Representations were thereon directed to be made by our commissioners to the Spanish Government, and a proposal to cultivate with good faith the peace of each other with those people.

  4. The chrysalis is brownish, with the raised parts of the thorax and head greyish; the body is paler brown, and the points thereon are blackish.

  5. The eggs are laid on twigs of elm in July, and, according to some writers, remain thereon throughout the winter.

  6. They cover the leaves of their food-plant with a silken web and live thereon in companies, and do not separate until about to prepare for the chrysalis state.

  7. As regarded owners, there were first the ground landlords, who themselves, or whose predecessors had leased their land for building purposes, or with houses thereon to a tenant.

  8. It gave power to vestries to adopt the Act, and thereafter to purchase or lease land, and to erect houses thereon for the working classes, and to borrow money on the security of the rates for this purpose.

  9. It was to be "the duty of the sanitary authority to make such inquiry and to take such action thereon as to that authority may seem proper for the purpose of enforcing the law.

  10. On a matting on the ground a rug was spread and a few pillows were put thereon for the ease of a middle-aged person who, dismounting from his horse, took possession of the transient resting-place.

  11. Those priceless gems of which the tablets and the letters thereon are cut have been fashioned by the Shamir.

  12. So she took the lute and tightening its strings to the sticking- point, smote thereon a number of airs, so that she confounded Ishak's wit and for delight he was like to fly.

  13. So he took the lute and played thereon a wondrous playing, with rare divisions and marvellous modulations, and showed her a passage she knew not; and this was goodlier to her than all that she had gotten.

  14. Amiddlemost this pavilion was a founfain, inlaid with all kinds of jacinths, and thereon a golden statue of a man and beside it a little door.

  15. You-wards my will perforce returns nor passion sets me free: I 'prison all desires I feel for fear of spies thereon * Yet tears that streak my cheek betray for every eye to see.

  16. So she sat down and he bade her sing; whereupon she took the lute and tightening its strings, played thereon in many modes, so that the Prince of True Believers and Ja'afar were confounded in sprite and like to fly for delight.

  17. So she took the lute and touching its strings with rare touch, played thereon after wondrous wise, so that it seemed to those who were present as if the palace surged like a wave with them for the music.

  18. He hath mounted his car, and the glorious armour thereon hath he cast, And he lashed the horses, and they with eager speed flew fast.

  19. And thereon was embossed the Gorgon-demon, with stony gaze Grim-glaring, and Terror and Panic encompassed the Fearful Face.

  20. Officers of the Bureau through whom the application passes will indorse thereon such facts as may assist the assistant commissioner in his decision, stating especially the use made by the Bureau of the land.

  21. Nevertheless, it was but small, and bare save for a table and a lamp thereon and a stool.

  22. Thereon are fragments of wrecks," said Sigurd.

  23. Thereon have fallen more dead than on any other piece of ground.

  24. The Saxons waited, holding each his war horn in his hand, as did the jarl, until the tomb was filled, and they laid a broad stone thereon from a ruined part of the tower.

  25. On the morrow Joseph put up a table, altar-wise, and thereon laid the Grail, which Mordrains seeing, pressed near to.

  26. As the palmer spoke Black Colin became greatly moved by his words, and when the old man had made an end he raised the hilt of his dirk and swore by the cross thereon that he would obey the summons and go on crusade.

  27. And thereon Sibyl, seated on the end of the bed, gave the substance of a short chat with her mother when she came in from the excursion.

  28. Thereon Challis had remembered what had till then escaped his mind, that Mrs. Steptoe's brother was eyeless and half legless.

  29. Thereon the Brahmin cried out, "Wretch, who touchest things impure, and utterest things untrue; callest thou that cur a sheep?

  30. Here speaking ended: thereon Jupiter rises from his golden throne, and the heavenly people surround and escort him to the doorway.

  31. Thereon the son of Hyrtacus: 'Hear, O people of Aeneas, with favourable mind, nor regard our years in what we offer.

  32. Thereon Drepanum receives me in its haven and joyless border.

  33. Discussion thereon lasted us until coffee and cigarettes were brought in and the servants left us to ourselves.

  34. And Edward Henry now observed in a corner of the room a man standing in front of an easel and sketching somewhat grossly thereon in charcoal.

  35. Ralph, careless adventurer rather than student, had climbed to the glittering brass rail of Maisie's new bedstead, and was thereon imitating a recently seen circus performance.

  36. And yet, I know right well that many farms are now so rough and otherwise so unsuited to Soiling as to preclude its adoption thereon for many years to come.

  37. Beginning by plowing its bed and turning the two furrows together, so as to raise the ground a foot, and make a shallow ditch on either side, I built a wall thereon which will outlast my younger child.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thereon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    after; afterwards; later; next; since; subsequently; then; thereafter