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Example sentences for "trematodes"

Lexicographically close words:
treks; trellis; trellised; trellises; trematode; tremble; trembled; tremblement; tremblements; trembler
  1. We have seen among the trematodes a worm of a particular form leave the egg, and immediately produce a swarm of young ones, which go and live separately.

  2. The name of Monostoma has been given to some of these trematodes which have no abdominal sucker.

  3. We may even ask if these singular gyrodactyles, so peculiar in many respects, are not the larval forms of trematodes allied to the polystomum.

  4. Dr Aitken also extends his views in reference to certain larval trematodes alleged to have been found in the so-called Delhi boils and Lahore sores.

  5. After describing the above-mentioned trematodes I received a letter from Dr Anderson, in which he enclosed a sketch of a parasite taken from the small intestine of another Platanista.

  6. I accept this family as the equivalent of Dujardin’s first group of trematodes which he termed “Onchobothriens,” rejecting only his genus Diporpa, which is a juvenile condition of Diplozoon.

  7. Other trematodes pass through this tail-less sexually-immature stage without any cyst.

  8. As remarked in my ‘Entozoa,’ the trematodes display a great partiality for batrachians, more than half a dozen different species of fluke being known to infest the common frog.

  9. Respecting the other trematodes I have to observe that Distoma lanceolatum not only infests the liver ducts of cattle and sheep, but also the deer tribe.

  10. So far as regards mere variety of species, the nematode fauna of marsupials is probably far in excess of that of the trematodes and cestodes.

  11. Many larval trematodes form cysts round themselves, probably by means of a special organ of secretion, and also by the epidermis.

  12. Whilst some of the trematodes display a highly organised nurse condition, others exhibit only a simple kind of germ-sac.

  13. In most of the Rhabdocoela and fresh-water Dendrocoela these organs resemble in their fundamental characters those of the Trematodes and Cestodes.

  14. In Trematodes the ovary forms an unpaired organ directly continuous with an oviduct into which there open the ducts from paired yolk-glands.

  15. The Trematodes have however not ceased to play an important part in forming the current views upon the development of ova, and have quite recently served Ed.

  16. The constitution of the female generative organs of the Trematodes was first clearly ascertained by von Siebold (No.

  17. The alternation of generations as it is found amongst the Entoparasitic Trematodes and most Cestodes, is to be explained in a slightly different way.

  18. The trematodes usually have a flattened body covered with a chitinous skin, and are furnished with two or more suckers for adhesion.

  19. Defn: An asexual zooid, usually forming one of a series of larval forms in the agamic reproduction of various trematodes and other parasitic worms.

  20. Defn: A kind of larva, or nurse, which is prroduced within the sporocyst of certain trematodes by asexual generation.

  21. Defn: A ventral canal or groove, in which the males of some dioecious trematodes carry the female.

  22. A peculiar larva of certain trematodes which produces cercariæ by asexual reproduction.

  23. A ventral canal or groove, in which the males of some dioecious trematodes carry the female.

  24. A kind of larva, or nurse, which is prroduced within the sporocyst of certain trematodes by asexual generation.

  25. An asexual zooid, usually forming one of a series of larval forms in the agamic reproduction of various trematodes and other parasitic worms.

  26. A peculiar larva of certain trematodes which produces cercari\'91 by asexual reproduction.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "trematodes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.