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Example sentences for "truckman"

Lexicographically close words:
trucking; truckle; truckling; truckload; truckloads; trucks; truculence; truculent; truculently; trudge
  1. When appeal to the alderman proved useless, the truckman resorted to strategy.

  2. The trucks that obstructed the children's only playground, the street, went with the dirt despite the opposition of the truckman who had traded off his vote to Tammany in the past for stall room at the curbstone.

  3. He’d better get out of the way,” said the truckman grimly, in a low voice.

  4. The truckman leaped from his seat, after a glance to make sure that the boat was in no immediate danger of slipping off, though it had slid back quite a way.

  5. Well, you are a queer one,” murmured the truckman as he proceeded to tie the broken rein, and then he and his men made the slipping boat secure, to hold until they could cover the short remaining distance to the canal.

  6. A purple-faced truckman shouldered his way to the yard-master, and shook his fist under his nose.

  7. And see here, uncle,--what's the use of paying off that truckman in such a hurry?

  8. I will see to it,--the truckman shall be paid.

  9. Truckman didn't mind his gab, but when he was satisfied the hoss he put away had been stole, he guv up Peakslow's, and the fifteen dollars to boot.

  10. The truckman has a better claim for the reward than you have, for he had him first; and then I don't see but the thief himself has a prior claim to either.

  11. I shall want that, and I ought to have a witness besides, to make the truckman hear to reason.

  12. Moreover, he had lately seen the truckman to whom the stolen animal was sold, and had promised to do what he could to help him obtain justice.

  13. The trucks that obstructed the children's only playground, the street, went with the dirt, despite the opposition of the truckman who had traded off his vote to Tammany in the past for stall room at the curbstone.

  14. He was interrupted by the truckman calling for his horse, and the disturbance that followed; so he remained on the sidewalk.

  15. Here the conversation was interrupted by the truckman attempting to lead off the horse, having received his pay in advance; but this Dick's shipmates would by no means permit.

  16. In order to restore good feeling, Dick now proposed to the truckman to take some bitters.

  17. Remember what the truckman told you, Merry?

  18. Frank inquired of one of the truckmen where to find a man who would sell them a first-class rowboat, and the truckman directed him to a man who had boats to let and to sell.

  19. A truckman had arrived with their luggage from the hotel.

  20. The truckman slapped his hand against his hip and muttered: "I told him!

  21. But if the complaint was that he did not carry it as agreed, the plaintiff's difficulty would be that the truckman was not bound to do so unless there was a consideration for his promise.

  22. A local truckman who knew Mr. Thompson well moved them for nothing.

  23. You can do some odd jobs for me some time," said the truckman to Louis Thompson.

  24. The senior truckman suggested that the height of the bedstead might be reduced about two feet by the removal of the most lofty ornament, and that a healthy man could knock it off with his fist.

  25. The senior truckman cast his professional eye at the vacant space, and spoke: "You can put it right there," said he.

  26. Sophronia eyed the senior truckman suspiciously for a moment, but not one of his honest facial muscles moved, so Sophronia exclaimed: "True.

  27. The senior truckman aimed a deadly blow with a cart-rung, and the bedstead filled its appointed place.

  28. Then the senior truckman kindly consented to dispose of an old tarpaulin, at about twice the price of a piece of velvet carpet of similar size, and this we spread upon the parlor floor while the furniture should be brought in.

  29. I found what many other gymnasts will find, that main strength, by which I mean the strength of the truckman and the porter, cannot be acquired in the ordinary exercises of the gymnasium.

  30. It is a common belief that any stout truckman can do the thing; but I have been assured by one of the leading truckmen of Boston, that there are not, probably, three individuals in the city who are equal to the accomplishment.

  31. For once the loud truckman knows oaths will not matter And reins in his horses and yields to his fate.

  32. The ground was uneven, and, in driving, the truckman reined his horses into a hollow.

  33. Here and there could be seen nervous men, who were anxious for the fate of some weird machine that a careless truckman had agreed to deliver.

  34. Then he told us about "shoving the queer" and got us next to a public truckman who supplied counterfeit bills.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "truckman" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    chauffeur; coachman; driver; hack; motorist; speeder; teamster; trucker; truckman; wagoner; whip