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Example sentences for "motorist"

Lexicographically close words:
motorcycle; motorcycles; motorcyclist; motored; motoring; motorists; motorized; motorman; motormen; motors
  1. The motorist looked up the track and at the gate and road, and then followed explosives, smoke and dust from the impatient machine, which slowly moved backward a short distance up the road again.

  2. He ran directly to him, body to body, and, as he was short and the motorist was very tall, stared fixedly up in his face.

  3. The motorist did not at once remove his hand, whereupon the white-moustached man gripped his gun in both hands and ran violently towards him.

  4. The tone was very menacing, and the motorist turned his car slowly to the barricade and placed it in.

  5. The motorist moved away, pursued by an eye as steady and savage as the point of the bayonet that was level with it.

  6. He held up both his arms, the signal of a motorist in distress.

  7. There was nothing to be done save wait patiently until another motorist should pass by from whom he might purchase the necessary amount of essence to carry him on to Salon.

  8. A friendly motorist towed them to the Hôtel de Paris in the Cours Mirabeau.

  9. But to the speed-drunken motorist it is a realization of dim and tremulous visions of Paradise.

  10. The motorist may be fined in five times the amount inflicted on the vanman, but to the one the sum only represents a small inroad on his means, while to the other it represents something like a week's wages.

  11. One is a motorist who has exceeded the speed limit; the other is a driver of a light van who in trying to catch a train has been reckless in his driving.

  12. Of course you couldn't," the motorist said kindly.

  13. At a safe distance he followed the unsuspecting motorist and saw him turn into a private yard in Flatbush.

  14. The old fear that the motorist had gone away by some other route returned and began to torture him.

  15. The motorist should observe the road signs, always have his car under full control, keep to the right, and sound horn when on curves that are blind.

  16. The motorist first enters the park via Ash Mountain headquarters, and the road leads up the gorge of the Middle Fork of the Kaweah River.

  17. From Los Angeles the motorist has a choice of highway routes after leaving Bakersfield either via Tulare and Visalia or by Delano, Porterville, and Exeter.

  18. It was almost dark by that time, and matters seemed so desperate that Everard determined to hail the very first passing motorist who seemed to be able to help them.

  19. It was a place where no motorist in his senses would have ventured to take a car, the extreme roughness of the road made steering difficult, and the strain on the tires was enormous.

  20. At that moment the young motorist shifted the rudder behind, which was the one giving the craft her right and left course, and they made a half turn.

  21. The ease with which the boys had played upon the ignorance and credulity of the high-handed cowpunchers, would have been laughable could the young motorist have known how successfully the rest of McGlory's plot was to be carried out.

  22. Matt and his friends had been drawn into these lawless plots of the broker's, and Cameron supposed that, apart from the reward offered for the broker's capture, the young motorist would be eager to see him brought to book.

  23. With a startled cry, the young motorist twisted around in the strong arms that held him and caught a look at the man's face.

  24. The other shouted something, in an angry tone, the exact import of which the young motorist could not catch.

  25. Seizing the reins firmly in one hand, I waved with the other, signalling to the motorist to stop, which he did, pulling out into the ditch.

  26. Farther out in Jefferson County the motorist may pass through two curious hamlets which, though not many miles from Charles Town, have the air of being completely removed from the world.

  27. I am talking to the motorist who is not ossified in habit, who has a love of strangeness and the picturesque--not only in scenery but in houses and people and the kind of life those people lead.

  28. We had been led to believe that the motorist was regarded as fair game for the continental innkeeper.

  29. The conclusion grew that if the motorist is robbed and crucified in Europe, as in the beginning a friend had prophesied we should be, it is mainly because he robs and crucifies himself.

  30. The well-trained American motorist finds his hair getting gray after an hour or two of that kind of thing.

  31. Once in a while it does seem as if Nature sympathized with the poor, maligned motorist whom nobody loves, and is willing to throw her protection over him.

  32. When Baines answered that the chauffeur was probably on a cycle at the time, I wanted to know why, in this case, the motorist had gathered up the broken machine and taken it away.

  33. If I could have done that, Wigan, you would have got no theory out of me in this case, and your friend Baines might have gone on hunting for his mad motorist for the rest of his days.

  34. Does the motorist need, or desire, more than has been set forth in the preceding sentence?

  35. On this piece of road the motorist will find a variation of levels and a frequent stiffness of gradients which will disabuse his mind for ever of the notion that Essex is a flat county.

  36. Moreover, on high and fenceless roads, where the motorist is most liable to be overtaken by snow, the white mantle obliterates the track and renders movement full of perils.

  37. Ipswich gloves, then, are not for the dandy, but for the motorist they are hard to beat.

  38. It was a country of the most pleasing face but, apart from that, no use for any purposes save those of the motorist and the rabbit-breeder.

  39. It is a willingness, save the mark, which grows on the motorist with experience and familiarity with the new locomotion.

  40. This gave to the scenery singular charm, even while it made the roads such as the merely rushing motorist would eschew.

  41. Really none is needed; our brief detour is but an illustration of the truth that county boundaries, apart from the matters of police and road-making, have no more meaning for the motorist than they had for the Romans.

  42. The best drivers know it to be their duty never to expect that any other user of the road except a motorist has himself or his vehicle under absolute control.

  43. We should probably hold a different view of the thatched houses now, and the motorist who passes through Bury will certainly desire to know more of it than the author of the Farmer's Letters deigned to tell.

  44. In such surroundings, surely, no motorist possessed of even decent feeling could stand in need of this request; but, since it was there, it must be assumed that it came into existence because misconduct had shown it to be needed.

  45. Many matters, too, are of moment to the motorist which are of none to the traveller by rail.

  46. The motorist was a stranger in Boston's streets.

  47. A motorist had been haled into court, and when his name was called the judge asked what the charges were against the prisoner.

  48. If only some other motorist would come along about now maybe he might be able to lend us a hand.

  49. So the trio of anxious scouts waited for the coming of the lone motorist whose small car was already courageously mounting the elevation.

  50. The monocle is coming into fashion once again, and it is thought that a motorist wearing one goggle will soon be quite a common sight.

  51. According to a County Court judge it is the duty of every motorist who knocks down a pedestrian to go back and ask the man if he is hurt.

  52. Probably it was a command for Matt to halt, but the young motorist did not construe it in that way.

  53. The young motorist took his way in this direction, halting at the edge of the brush for a moment to turn and give a reassuring wave to his comrades on the Grampus.

  54. When the young motorist reached the boat, Carl ducked out from behind the conning tower and gave him a hand up the slope of the deck.

  55. Paying no attention to the frantic voices, or the frenzied tramping on the planks overhead, the young motorist continued to drag the boat onward toward the shore.

  56. This caused the young motorist a good deal of trepidation.

  57. The young motorist studied his charts, then, with the surroundings of the islands clearly in mind, took the steering wheel himself and laid his course by compass.

  58. Presently the young motorist became conscious that the coil was still about his throat, and that a long object was trailing downward and hanging with some weight from his neck.

  59. That left hand of the young motorist had been trained to its work in many an automobile race, and its quickness and cunning did not fail him now.

  60. The lieutenant presented them, and the boyish, unaffected manner of the young motorist had a good effect on the representatives of the war department.

  61. Here the young motorist and his assistants could rest, when they so desired, and make their headquarters at all times.

  62. Let us have the motorist up here," he suggested.

  63. Fearing to create undue panic, he decided not to go to press until the arrival of the motorist from Ipswich.

  64. I can hardly believe this of you, Gaines," said the young motorist finally.

  65. Indeed, if there is one country in Europe a motorist does well to keep out of at any time, it is Switzerland.

  66. Hence, the motorist seldom seems to have eyes to spare for anything but the road; he takes as read the woods that climb the great green walls towering far and yet farther above him.

  67. But a glance at his watch made him forget the Barto incident in a heart-warming thrill of admiration--the joy of a skilled motorist recognizing kindred skill in another.

  68. The motorist gains a great deal that the railroad passenger inevitably misses.

  69. In no mood was the marshal, of late particularly, to let any motorist escape if there was the slightest reason for an arrest.

  70. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "motorist" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    chauffeur; driver; hack; motorist; speeder; teamster; trucker; truckman