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Example sentences for "turned around"

  • And then he turned around to Miles, and says he, 'Miles, do you hear that?

  • We ran out on the island while some of the people that were out watching it from our building were walking back and we turned around and we saw an officer and Truly.

  • Yes; immediately, but I turned around, see, and went to searching in there for empty shells, and three or four agents there then and that is when I walked back to the car there and noticed the tracks there in one little spot.

  • So I turned around, came back, and asked him what he was doing giving that junk out.

  • When he turned around, however, and saw that the bronze figure of the man with the two geese under his arms was not merely indifferent to the passing of time but confident that all is well, he could not help but laugh.

  • Suddenly he stopped, turned around, and said: “Just one thing more.

  • He turned around, and struck a minor chord.

  • He turned around to see the merry-faced boy, and the big, black dog who immediately began to wag his tail as if willing to recognize him.

  • He turned around sharply on Mrs. Pepper as he asked this.

  • Polly, half way up the steps, turned around, and then, at the rush of feeling that gathered at her heart, sat right down on the wet slippery step.

  • At one point I turned around my horse and buggy and drove back to Mr. Thaw's house, which is on Fifth street.

  • I turned around, and two or three of the men had their guns down to shoot.

  • Rex, who was just passing under the trestle, turned around in his saddle, and when he saw some one beside his brother on the tree trunk, he made a half circle in the road and came scudding back on his machine.

  • Poor old chap," he said as they met and he turned around, slipping his arm within that of the tall young lawyer, "it was a shame to make you walk all that distance in the hot sun when you must be tired out from your day in town.

  • Rex was reading by the window, and he turned around in startled disquiet.

  • We turned around a corner, and there was a horse and buggy waiting for us in quite a magical fashion, and in a moment we were in and off.

  • I turned around just in time to see Theodore Otway tip the stout boy over on the floor, and sit on him.

  • I turned around, and there he was behind my chair, where he had been standing all the time.

  • As he turned around to chastise the insolence of the servant, he encountered the stately figure of the Countess de Soissons, "It is long since we met," said she.

  • Madame de Maintenon rolled up her eyes, Louvois sneered and Louis, looking as if he wished that he could consume his sister-in-law with a glance, turned around to his minister.

  • And he turned around, so stern with anger, strength and threat, that the most excited rebels hustled back on one another, in order to escape, and some of them even rolled into the Seine.

  • He turned around, recognized Athos and Aramis and held out his hand to them.

  • Every few minutes he turned around, and thus obliged us to conceal ourselves.

  • Arrived at the bank of the river the three men perceived that they were followed, turned around, and looking insolently at the Frenchmen, passed some jests from one to another.

  • But then Matthew stopped, turned around, and climbed toward her again.

  • She opened the door, turned around, and slipped on her jacket, zipping it firmly.

  • He turned around to take a closer look at her disheveled appearance, and for a moment his eyes fixed on the empty champagne bottle resting atop the night table.

  • But if it proceeded as planned, the whole thing could be turned around.

  • He turned around, startled in spite of himself.

  • I turned around, resolved to take the remainder of my lecture from a position where I could look down on him.

  • I turned around eagerly, "Was she a real Christian, Mrs. Flaxman?

  • His first touch on the piano arrested me, and I turned around to watch his face.

  • Others followed to other people for various amounts; and he was very busily at work when, aware of another presence near, he turned around in his chair.

  • He had coloured slowly, the frank disappointment in her face penetrating his surprise; and now he turned around, instinctively, also looking for the path of retreat.

  • Just then some one laid a hand upon his shoulder, and he turned around with a start.

  • He had a great pair of barnacle glasses perched astride his nose, and he pushed them up on his sharp bony forehead, where they gleamed like two disks of brightness as he turned around to face the old man.

  • Dred’s voice say, and then he turned around sharply.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "turned around" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    earnest desire; false belief; farm house; gentle smile; human activity; may the; poor folk; rudimentary organs; spirituous liquors; this quarter; turned abruptly; turned and; turned around; turned aside; turned back; turned down; turned himself; turned his; turned into; turned quickly; turned toward; turned under; turned unto; turned upon; turned upside; you now