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Example sentences for "unintermittent"

Lexicographically close words:
unintentional; unintentionally; uninterested; uninteresting; unintermitted; unintermitting; uninterpreted; uninterrupted; uninterruptedly; uninventive
  1. To ensure the absolute vitality of organisms was for Rousseau the object of unintermittent toil.

  2. By a systematic routine of life he kept his physique elastic, and was able to maintain that unintermittent activity under which another man would have broken down.

  3. Even the screech of the crickets was so unintermittent as to form part of the prevailing stillness.

  4. The booming growl had changed into a well-nigh unintermittent roar, as the huge cloud, towering pillar-like, now spread its black wings in a dark canopy in every direction.

  5. Here nearly every form of geyser and unintermittent hot spring occurs, with deposits of various kinds, silicious, calcareous, etc.

  6. They came to look to her exactly like little figures chasing one another in an unintermittent race of annihilation.

  7. But everything was still except for the unintermittent voices of the night, which continued like the tick of a clock measuring off eternity, undisturbed by anything around it.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unintermittent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ceaseless; connected; constant; continual; continuing; continuous; cyclic; cyclical; direct; endless; featureless; immediate; incessant; interminable; joined; linked; monotonous; perennial; periodic; perpetual; pulsating; rapid; recurrent; regular; repeated; repetitive; running; seamless; serried; smooth; stable; staccato; steady; straight; stuttering; sustained; unbroken; unceasing; unchanging; undifferentiated; unending; uniform; unintermittent; uninterrupted; unrelieved; unremitting; unstopped; unvarying; vibrating