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Example sentences for "whereupon they"

  • Whereupon they said he was: he replied, that the God over all was his protector.

  • Whereupon they gave up themselves to be punished, in order to save Benjamin; and called to mind what a wicked enterprise they had been guilty of against Joseph.

  • The matter being deferred for some days, till the king returned from Aberdeen, in the mean time the two ministers were confined to Perth and Dundee, whereupon they (Feb.

  • Whereupon they began to weep, saying, How like is this to that which was revealed unto Jesus!

  • As did Jonâda, who made public proclamation at the assembly of pilgrims, that their gods had allowed Moharram to be profane, whereupon they observed it not; but the next year he told them that the gods had ordered it to be kept sacred.

  • I asked my friends the contrabandistas why he wore the rosemary in his hat; whereupon they told me that it was good against witches and the mischances on the road.

  • They then persisted in their demand, to which I at last yielded, being unable to resist their importunity; whereupon they accompanied me to the inn, and received what they so ardently desired.

  • Whereupon they began on the other side of the fift battery to fill vp the ditch, with the earth that they threw downe, which was taken neere the wall of the counterscharfe.

  • Knights and Barons had but litle to their share, whereupon they began to shew themselues somewhat discontented, which being knowen of the kings, they sent them answere that their wils should be satisfied.

  • So he commanded the two slaves to fetch his friend; whereupon they repaired to El Abbas and called to him, saying, "O youth, answer the summons of King Zuheir.

  • When they came to the door, they required the doorkeeper to open to them; but he refused, whereupon they sent to fetch fire, wherewith to burn down the doors and enter.

  • Whereupon they fell to kissing the floor between his hands and wagging their tails and weeping, as if complaining to him.

  • The old man welcomed him and called for food, whereupon they brought a table of the make of Sana'a of al-Yaman and spread it with all manner rare viands, than which there was naught costlier nor more delicious.

  • Whereupon they exchanged a furtive kiss, and parted.

  • Whereupon they rose, and returned her salutation with reverence, and caused her to sit down among them, and made much of her two little boys.

  • Mac 10:9 Whereupon they of the tower delivered their hostages unto Jonathan, and he delivered them unto their parents.

  • Bar 1:5 Whereupon they wept, fasted, and prayed before the Lord.

  • Mac 10:76 Then Jonathan laid siege unto it: whereupon they of the city let him in for fear: and so Jonathan won Joppa.

  • The Wezeer then ordered his pages to convey him on the back of a mule; whereupon they said to him (being distressed to obey), Suffer us to stone him and cut him in pieces, though our lives should be sacrificed in consequence.

  • But she refused; whereupon they came up to her and wept and gave not over supplicating her, till she consented and abode in the kingship.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whereupon they" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    bound coast; but thou; chestnut blight; descriptive poetry; electricity supplied; entered the; four kings; higher planes; joint meeting; many letters; must part; near the; people would; receiving intelligence; remain till; rising early; sent post; tender notes; thine handmaid; whereupon quoth; whereupon they; worth something; young priest