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Example sentences for "will wait"

  • Do so, sister, and I will wait as long as you please.

  • If they utterly reject the whole scheme, we will wait a week or so, and propose it again, just as if we had never done it before.

  • I will wait here, or, if you will be so good as to tell me where I can find Mrs. Drane, I will go to her.

  • I wish you to present your Chiefs to me to-day if you are ready, if not then we will wait until to-morrow.

  • I expect you are prepared for the message I have to deliver, and I will wait to see if any of the Chiefs wish to speak before I go further.

  • We will wait, at all events," said Uncle Paul.

  • We will wait a little longer, then," said Uncle Paul; and we resumed our resting-place on the roots of the tree.

  • We will wait a bit, and see if they come.

  • We will wait patiently, and should it turn out that these men are from the mountains, and know of our presence near at hand, we will at once set about the capture of the prahus and the embarkation of the tribe.

  • If Hanns Schlott has come to fetch more men, as I feel sure he has, we will wait until he and the crew have reached the shore again.

  • Then we will wait, and as the rajah keeps open house, and gives the officers an invitation to enter whether he is here or not, we will go in and shelter from the heat.

  • Miss Betsy; 'only give my compliments to your lady, and tell her I will wait on her this afternoon.

  • I will wait on him--will talk to him in a proper manner; and do flatter myself with being able to give you a good account of what I have done.

  • I will wait for a day or two, to see how it is like to be with him.

  • She had said to herself many times, "I will wait quietly.

  • We will wait a while, and all that may pass away.

  • When you wish for anything, you have but to strike with the knocker on this door, and some one, who will be constantly in the antechamber, will wait on you.

  • It is true; I will wait; but after him, who is mortal, and has no children, to whom will the crown fall?

  • Go, then," said Jeanne, "and I will wait.

  • Well," replied he, "I will wait till it is a little smoother, and then we will clear the boat and take you on board.

  • I have my knife, but my Indian is not asleep," replied he; "I will wait till he is.

  • However, as I perceive that you are flurried, I will wait till to-morrow morning for your decision.

  • I know it is, monsieur; as I said, I will wait.

  • That is sufficient to make me resist: I will wait.

  • Tell me that you love me, then I will wait.

  • We will wait," they whispered to each other--" we will wait!

  • I will wait, and have resolved to do so," said L'Elfi, gravely.

  • We are to meet him at the Grand Fountain; He will wait for us.

  • I accordingly applied at once for leave, and to-night I am about to start for Calcutta, where I will wait till I gain a formal permit, and I will never see Inez again.

  • Then I will wait," said Gualtier, humbly.

  • Oh, we will wait till I begin to show signs of weariness," said Hilda, in a sprightly tone.

  • We will wait - ever constant and true - till we are eighty, ninety, or one hundred.

  • But we will wait till to-morrow," he said absently.

  • We will wait till to-morrow," he urged, and his eyes followed the trail of a horseman on the hill.

  • But we will wait till to-morrow, Alice," he again repeated.

  • I will wait on Thy name, for 'tis good, in face of Thy Saints.

  • I will wait on Thy name, for it is good, in the presence of Thy saints.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "will wait" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    will accomplish; will agree; will cease; will certainly; will cover; will exchange; will execute; will gather them together; will grant; will hear; will hide; will kill; will listen; will make the land; will marry; will meditate; will multiply; will never; will not leave thee; will result; will return; will send; will spare; will swear; will trust; will you