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Example sentences for "aera"

Lexicographically close words:
aequo; aequor; aequora; aequore; aequum; aerarium; aerate; aerated; aerating; aeration
  1. It was not till after the aera of Augustus, that works originally destined for the public assumed the name and form of letters.

  2. From the portentous aera of the death of Pertinax, the brief reign of each succeeding emperor ended in assassination, civil war, and revolution.

  3. Thus, the historical aera is evidently placed too high by Varro.

  4. The compilers of the Bible have placed these songs after the book of Ecclesiastes; and the chronologists have affixed to them the aera of B.

  5. But it would not have answered the purpose of these men to have informed the world of their ignorance; and, therefore, they have affixed it to the aera of B.

  6. Bolingbroke is of this opinion; considering the act of recognition as "the aera of hereditary right, and of all those exalted notions concerning the power of prerogative of kings and the sacredness of their persons.

  7. This eminent work may justly be reckoned to mark an aera in our literature.

  8. The object of many at least among them, it cannot for a moment be doubted, from the aera of the bull of Pius V.

  9. In certain respects, his reign is undoubtedly an aera in our history.

  10. Throughout the Middle Ages there prevailed, and in the latter centuries of that aera was carried to perfection, a style of architecture, which has been called Gothic, but ought really to have been termed old German.

  11. A new aera of French Tragedy begins with Voltaire, whose first appearance, in his early youth, as a writer for the theatre, followed close upon the age of Louis the Fourteenth.

  12. The dates of the eruptions of Mount Etna, recorded by history, are as follows: Before the Christian aera four, in the years 3525.

  13. Actiaca Aera was a computation of time from the battle of Actium.

  14. One of your lordship's first actions upon record, consists in the high professions you made at the county meeting of Buckingham, in that ever-venerable aera of oeconomy and reform, the spring of 1780.

  15. The aera of foresight is the aera of imagination, and imagination is the grand instrument of virtue.

  16. Previous to the famous aera of his flight from Mecca, he had taught his followers, that they had no defence against the persecution of their enemies, but invincible patience.

  17. Why should this new AEra be introducd with Entertainments expensive & tending to dissipate the Minds of the People?

  18. Our new AEra of Government, I fancy, has occasiond a Revolution in political Circles & a Change of Connections.

  19. Before that fatal aera the Romans were poor, but they were contented and happy, because they knew no imaginary wants: and whilst their manners were virtuous, poverty itself was honourable, and added a new lustre to every other virtue.

  20. To the administration of such ministers, which may justly be termed the grand aera of corruption, we owe that fatal system of bribery, which has so greatly affected the morals of the electors in almost every borough in the kingdom.

  21. I observe that the destruction of Carthage is fixed upon by that elegant historian, as the aera from which the rise of this rapid degeneracy is to be dated.

  22. The erection of the tribunitial-power, which happened about seventeen years after the expulsion of the kings, is certainly the aera from which the liberty of the Roman people ought properly to be dated.

  23. All the historians, from whom we have received any account of the Roman affairs, agree unanimously in fixing their conquest of Antiochus the Great, as the aera from whence we are to date the rise of luxury and corruption amongst them.

  24. Sapor enjoyed the glory and the fruits of his victory; and this ignominious peace has justly been considered as a memorable aera in the decline and fall of the Roman empire.

  25. Its peculiar aera dates from the year of Rome 685, according to the medals of the city.

  26. The same passions and prejudices have engaged the partial writers of the times to connect the public profession of Christianity with the most glorious or the most ignominious aera of the reign of Constantine.

  27. Note: On the aera of martyrs see the very curious dissertations of Mons Letronne on some recently discovered inscriptions in Egypt and Nubis, p.

  28. This was the true aera of the golden age, and the only golden age which ever had any existence, unless in the warm imaginations of the poets, from the expulsion from Eden down to this day.

  29. This lady was now somewhat past the age of thirty, an aera at which, in the opinion of the malicious, the title of old maid may with no impropriety be assumed.

  30. From the aera of the exclusion bill especially, to the death of Charles II.

  31. It was necessary, therefore, to infuse new blood into the languid frame, and so to renovate our ancient constitution that the present aera should seem almost a new birth of liberty.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aera" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.