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Example sentences for "aeration"

Lexicographically close words:
aera; aerarium; aerate; aerated; aerating; aere; aereal; aerial; aerials; aerie
  1. The first working of the rice fields after the transplanting, as we saw it in Japan, consisted in spading between the hills with a four-tined hoe, apparently more for loosening the soil and aeration than for killing weeds.

  2. No method of aeration is perfect that allows the admission of air for a short time only at comparatively long intervals; the most perfect system is that in which air is slowly but continuously passed into solution.

  3. Before planting, the soil should be thoroughly prepared to a depth of at least 6 or 8 inches, so as to secure good aeration and drainage.

  4. In the case of clay the thorough incorporation of a large amount of decayed vegetable matter tends to give lightness to the otherwise heavy soil, facilitating aeration and drainage.

  5. Aeration was resorted to, which was performed by dipping up the water, and pouring it back in a thin stream from a height of several feet, continuing the operation for ten minutes.

  6. Accordingly, the charcoal was withdrawn and aeration discontinued.

  7. It is possible that the poverty of the air supply can be overcome by regular aeration of the solution, resulting in decided improvement in growth, as L.

  8. Underwood (1913) has shown in recent work on barley in which continued aeration was carried out.

  9. Even the Azures suffered some degree of improper aeration of the blood.

  10. I theorized that there is no basic difference in the Azures and the Indigos except improper aeration of their blood.

  11. Roentgenray examination may show the shadow of enchondromata or osteomata, and will also show variations in aeration should the tumor be in a bronchus.

  12. The signs vary with the degree of obstruction of the bronchus, and with the consequent degree of interference with aeration and drainage of the subjacent portion of the lung.

  13. Complete bronchial obstruction shows a density over the whole area the aeration and drainage of which has been cut off (Fig.

  14. Associated with defective aeration will be the signs of deficient drainage of secretions.

  15. Though the covering of hot-houses has been already practised in some cases, I am not aware of any one having adopted a close covering with the view to facilitate ventilation or aeration during the night.

  16. In a word, all the symptoms point to a deficient aeration of the blood, or a kind of half way asphyxia.

  17. If this process of aeration is carried out at blood heat, the result is generally highly satisfactory.

  18. A few pin-sized holes should be made in the lid of the container as aeration holes.

  19. A special bucket should be kept with an aeration hole and the maida or rava in the bucket, sprinkled with a little bit of water every day.

  20. Cockroaches: need a bucket with many big aeration holes, covered with a fine mesh.

  21. The compost tumbler is a clever method that accelerates decomposition by improving aeration and facilitating frequent turning.

  22. Too much manure and urine-earth can also interfere with aeration by making the heap too heavy, establishing anaerobic conditions.

  23. One powerful aeration technique is to build the pile atop a low platform made of slats or strong hardware cloth.

  24. The chart illustrates denitrification caused by insufficient aeration compared to turning the composting process into a biological nitrate factory with optimum aeration.

  25. Clothing should give correct aeration for the season.

  26. As already remarked, the necessity for aeration marks error in management, except when you have stock for which no proper receptacle is at hand, or any such special contingency.

  27. Two days after, the water was as bright as ever, and the stock in the finest possible condition, owing to the brisk aeration they had gained by the experiment.

  28. If the tank is stocked before the plants are well established, or if overstocked with a crowd of animal life, or if sulphuretted hydrogen be produced and make its presence manifest to the nose, then aeration may be necessary.

  29. When heart clot, or thrombus, exists in the right side, the return of blood from the body and the aeration in the lungs is impeded, and if death occurs, it is owing to syncope rather than to strangulation in pulmonary respiration.

  30. Dean in Canada and Storch in Denmark have both experimented on the influence of aeration in butter making, but with negative results.

  31. Thorough aeration has been frequently recommended, but most satisfactory results have been obtained where a combined process of aeration and pasteurization was resorted to.

  32. It is a common belief that aeration is of great aid in improving the quality of milk, yet, when closely studied, no material improvement can be determined, either where the milk is made into butter or sold as milk.

  33. Especially is this so if the aeration is carried out in an atmosphere that is not perfectly clean and pure.

  34. The infection of the milk during aeration often more than counterbalances the reputed advantage.

  35. It must be remembered that aeration is frequently combined with cooling, in which case the reputed advantages may not be entirely attributable to the process of aeration.

  36. Deep plowing with aeration will also help the land, and this treatment can begin at once if the soil is workable.

  37. The proper treatment is the application of lime, and aeration by open tillage and underdrainage.

  38. The water should be changed from row to row in succession, cultivating the ground meantime to promote aeration and to prevent too great compacting of the soil.

  39. The characteristic feature of this method, distinguishing it from the Vienna Process, is the continued aeration during fermentation, hence called “Aeration Process.

  40. A decided greater percentage of yeast yield is accomplished by the “Aeration Process.

  41. In contrast to this method the newer or “Aeration Process” for the production of yeast presents entirely different phases.

  42. The older method is known as the “Vienna Process,” while the newer method is called “Aeration Process.

  43. Affections of the chest which prevent due aeration of the blood induce contractions of the womb, as shown experimentally by Brown-Sequard.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aeration" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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