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Example sentences for "alienating"

Lexicographically close words:
alienable; alienage; alienate; alienated; alienates; alienation; alienations; alienis; alienist; alienists
  1. The next is alienating consecrated persons from the sacred work and office, by deposing kings, or by unjust silencing or suspending true ministers, or their casting off God's work themselves.

  2. The greatest sacrilege is a profane, unholy alienating a person to the flesh and the world, from God, and his love, and his service, who by baptism was devoted to him.

  3. This is far greater sacrilege than alienating lands or utensils.

  4. The next is the unjust alienating of temples, utensils, lands, days, which were separated by God himself.

  5. I believe they were necessary to allay asperities and animosities that were rapidly alienating one section of the country from another and destroying those fraternal sentiments which are the strongest supports of the Constitution.

  6. In that case you might figure in a suit for alienating my affections.

  7. Dixon for alienating Mrs. Thurston's affections, and a grave scandal would result.

  8. At the East also, as well as at the West, the quickening of religious thought and feeling had the common effect of alienating and disrupting.

  9. The security against partisan division within the church is as complete as it can be made without gravely increasing the risks of alienating additional multitudes from the fellowship of the church.

  10. And how can they provide for the public needs, without alienating the individual property of those who are forced to contribute to them?

  11. He agrees that the people is naturally supreme, but regards it as alienating its Sovereignty by the contract itself, and delegating its power, wholly and for ever, to the government.

  12. It is imposed by those interests of the feudal suzerain and of the kin which precluded the possibility of alienating land by devise[103].

  13. There can be no thought of a person so situated alienating the land by an act of his own will; he must surrender it into the hand of the lord, and the latter grants it to the new holder after the payment of a fine.

  14. Such a move would make Cowperwood feel that she was alienating herself forever; it would give him an excellent excuse to leave her.

  15. Was it merely age that was alienating Cowperwood, or was it some deep-seated intellectual difference?

  16. The bulk of the peasantry[46] have no right of alienating their plots.

  17. Given the existing class distinctions within the community, there is no good reason why the proletarian, on leaving his village, should sacrifice his right of property to the mir, instead of alienating it for his own benefit.

  18. He can, in this case, both restore the capital, and pay the interest, without alienating or encroaching upon any other source of revenue.

  19. He can, in this case, neither restore the capital nor pay the interest, without either alienating or encroaching upon some other source of revenues such as the property or the rent of land.

  20. He can, in this case, neither restore the capital nor pay the interest, without either alienating or encroaching upon some other source of revenue, such as the property or the rent of land.

  21. Governments ought always to remember that the intimidation of a few disaffected persons is dearly bought by alienating any large portion of the community.

  22. Moreover, no one knew better than Bedford the usefulness of the Bishop's purse, and the impolicy of alienating one who could always produce ready money, while Humphrey had no such claim to a statesman's consideration.

  23. How far with respect to Candido was the danger of alienating Filippo Maria of Milan a reality?

  24. This, far more than the more obvious count of alienating Burgundy, must condemn him in our eyes, if we look at the matter from his point of view.

  25. While Gloucester had been steadily alienating the sympathies of the men of Hainault, and attempting to justify his invasion of the country, his troops had not been idle.

  26. The Russians succeeded in alienating even the young German prince who came, with the full favour of the Czar Alexander II.

  27. Savoy and Nice, and by revealing his design to Gallicise the Italian Peninsula, speedily succeeded in alienating the Italians.

  28. Philosophy, far from alienating us from those values, should teach us to see their perfection and to maintain them in our ideal.

  29. But the most important law, in its consequences, which was enacted during the reign of Henry, was that by which the nobility and gentry acquired a power of breaking the ancient entails, and of alienating their estates.

  30. For his immense buildings had so greatly embarrassed his resources that, when the day for payment came, the only way in which he could discharge his obligations was by alienating a part of his dominions.

  31. The gloss put on the matter by late tradition cannot conceal the fact that Solomon tried to diminish his embarrassments by alienating some of the sacred territory.

  32. Instead of alienating from itself the feelings of the Christian population, the Ottoman Government ought more than ever to labour to conciliate them to itself.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alienating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.