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Example sentences for "alonga"

Lexicographically close words:
aloha; aloin; alone; aloneness; along; alonge; alonger; alongshore; alongside; alongst
  1. I should have been quite content to spend my days in the scrub, enjoying life in dark and savage ways, and my nights "alonga possum rug"; but the family had other plans for my future.

  2. Advancing cautiously along it, she came across a huge carpet snake coiled "all a same rope alonga boat.

  3. When a death cannot be directly attributed to it locally, the phenomenon is referred to with such rustic logic as this: "Some fella dead alonga 'nother camp.

  4. Spreading out a handkerchief, I put the awful atom on it gingerly, while the foster-mother reiterated her counsel to "tchuck'm alonga scrub.

  5. Tom was half ashamed of this encounter, and while glorying in the scar with which Willie had decorated him, excused his own conduct in these terms: "Willie fight alonga razor.

  6. Then I put a customary question: "Yes, what all go alonga that place like when you die?

  7. Every time you trabel alonga night--sit down daytime.

  8. Subpose you no hammer me too much I take you up, alonga Medina one time quick.

  9. With an air of mystery, Tom continued: "When that boy have row, he get bone belonga dead man, scrape that bone alonga old bottle.

  10. Go in here (indicating the middle of his chest), come out alonga back.

  11. So hot the sun of my country you carn ride about alonga a day.

  12. One time more alonga tea tell it that big fella Boss gib it daily-bread.

  13. Billy walk about close up, me sit down alonga rock; me plant me'self.

  14. Black boys bin fishing alonga reef close up alonga where red mark, alonga Cape Marlow--you know.

  15. It was "that fella along a mountain," who caused the trouble, or else "another boy alonga Hinchinbrook!

  16. Laura came back with this proud boast--"I bin shake hands alonga piccaniny!

  17. Some fella go alonga house tell 'em Mr Limsee--'That boy bin kill you, fight long a camp.

  18. Some gins come out alonga groun' from hole.

  19. Gammon-like it surveyor, and bimeby old man Ben gon' alonga hut, and that one pleeceman fire at him and all about, and him break back alonga gully.

  20. Very good you come alonga Saxon ship, go Queensland; then you all right.

  21. Me fella people say old chief he die alonga you; all proper mad.

  22. Chief he say white man fella come alonga him,' said the man, looking at Trentham.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alonga" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.