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Example sentences for "althoughe"

Lexicographically close words:
alterum; altesten; altho; althogh; although; alti; altimeter; altis; altitude; altitudes
  1. Althoughe her person may perhapps content, Consider but the place.

  2. Al this did Cortez for to get their loue and fauour, bycause there were many that loued hym not, althoughe in very trouth he was of his own nature liberal and large in experiences with al his souldiers in the warres.

  3. He was an arrant peevyshe curre, Nothynge but so; and I protest syncerlye I would have hangd that dogge (had he beene myne) Althoughe a lyonnesse had beene hys dame.

  4. Althoughe I thynke thys fellowe meanes no good We may dyscover & prevent hys ill: Pray leave us, sir.

  5. Who notwithstanding, knowing hymselfe innocente, althoughe in extreame sorrow and pensifenes of mynd determyned to obey hys Father's Commaundement although he shoulde stand in Daunger of hys Lyfe.

  6. And althoughe I myghte alleage other reasons to proue my saying, yet referre I my self to the experience and bounty of youre mynd, and to the equity of your Iudgement.

  7. By none other but by the selfe same lawes that the Admiralles of the ||sees chalenge a proprietie in all suche thynges as are cast vpon the shoore by wracke, althoughe the ryghte owner come forthe and chalenge his owne goodes.

  8. Yea ||but althoughe all the whole worlde be full of suche fooles, a man can scaselye fynde one whiche can abyde the name of a foole, and yet they deserue to be called so for asmoche as they hate not the thynge.

  9. I tould Mr. Hunt I was com to vizet hym abord, althoughe he sent me word he would not com ashore, yet willed hym hereafter to com when I sent for hym, or else I would fetch hym.

  10. They retornd hym answer they would take councell about it, althoughe he aledged the losse of them this hot wether, yf present sale were not made.

  11. And speaking of Endymion, you may more aptly say: Il Vago della Luna: then you can say Il Drudo, althoughe both these wordes doe import and signifie A lover, and a Friend.

  12. And you must understand, that, Every man in his owne conceite, thinkes he can tell his tale well: althoughe for modestie sake he deny it.

  13. Althoughe suche negligence & errour, or what soever it be: be altogether his fault and not yours.

  14. And some, farre off on flowers freshe doe fall, Yet all at nighte vnto their home repaire: And euerie one, her proper hiue doth knowe Althoughe there stande a thousande on a rowe.

  15. Here I myght ensure, y^t althoughe the strength of the bodye wer sumwhat taken awaye, that thys incõmoditie is well recompensed by so goodly gyftes of the mynd.

  16. It is a mery tale too laugh at, but this bourd induceth verye graue and sadde thynges.

  17. Then we intreate styll of mortal thynges and not of immortal, & yet in these euils the state of vertuous men, may bee better borne withal, then of suche as seeke for the pleasures of the body they care not howe.

  18. God compel vs therto, it is no vertue but folishnes: but as often as thei bee punyshed for Christ and iustice sake, who dar bee so bold as too cal them beggers & wretches?

  19. Therfore they bee wyse, that thryue in tyme, and gather too gether necessaries for that agee coo[~m].

  20. But from D, althoughe there be seuen lines drawen, to the circumference, yet all bee equall, bicause it is the centre of the circle.

  21. Whiche althoughe it be grieuous for the time to Bées, yet the same is very profitable, and strengthneth them.

  22. Also the plentie of fruites is then promised, althoughe muche haile fall that yeare.

  23. But of trouth you shall not chose but take part of my supper: and althoughe my husbande be not at home (whereof I am righte sorie,) yet you shall knowe that his wife is able to make you some good chere.

  24. Giacchetto which knew the mirth and ioy that the children made to the poore man (althoughe he was offended with those words) neuerthelesse, made as much of the poore Erle as he did before.

  25. And althoughe the kinge had thoughte to retourne backe againe vppon their retire, yet being aduertised of the great battrie, and of the hotte assault they had giuen to the Castell, he went foorth to visit the place.

  26. Althoughe thou hast spoken vnreuerently inough, yet our education together, and the fidelitie that I haue proued in thee in time paste, shalbe thy pardon for this time.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "althoughe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.