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Example sentences for "amylaceous"

Lexicographically close words:
amye; amygdalin; amygdaloid; amygdaloidal; amyl; amylic; amyloid; amylolytic; amys
  1. If it turns blue, starch, flour, or some other amylaceous substance, has been used to adulterate it.

  2. The cereals of the United States have become articles of absolute necessity in a zone where maize, manioc and bananas were long preferred to every other amylaceous food.

  3. The sweet potato and the yam, both of which are considered to be less nutritious than the arrowroot, rank above it in the centesimal proportion of their amylaceous produce.

  4. Cubical amylaceous pieces, of a darker brown than the other kinds.

  5. Amylaceous matter of a similar kind to arrowroot is obtained from other species of Maranta, as from some species of Canna, well known under the popular name of Indian shot, from the similarity of their round black seeds.

  6. The meal or flour as imported in the form of a fine amylaceous powder.

  7. Some of the cryptogamic plants form considerable articles of commerce, particularly as food plants, affording gelatinous and amylaceous matter, and being useful in medicine and the arts.

  8. Zamia pumila, a native of the Cape of Good Hope, and other species of this remarkable genus of plants, which is nearly related to both ferns and palms, supply an amylaceous matter, which has been sold as arrowroot.

  9. Like the other amylaceous substances, it forms a valuable and nutritious article of food for the invalid.

  10. A suitable diabetic diet would also be obtained by eliminating from the bill of fare all saccharine and amylaceous and other sugar-producing substances.

  11. Next in order to the saccharine foods as the source of indigestion in gouty persons come the amylaceous aliments.

  12. The produce of the bread-fruit tree can no more be considered as bread than plantains before the state of maturity, or the tuberous and amylaceous roots of the cassava, the dioscorea, the Convolvulus batatas, and the potato.

  13. Amylaceous and saccharine substances, sometimes fish and the fat of turtles' eggs, supply the place of food drawn from the first two classes of the animal kingdom, those of quadrupeds and birds.

  14. The chemistry of the savage is reduced to the preparation of pigments, that of poisons, and the dulcification of the amylaceous roots, which the aroides and the euphorbiaceous plants afford.

  15. I repeat that the balls of poya, which we took from the winter stores of the Indians, contained no trace of animal fat, or of amylaceous matter.

  16. That amylaceous fecula which the seeds of the cereal plants furnish in all its purity, is found united with an acrid and sometimes even poisonous juice, in the roots of the arums, the Tacca pinnatifida, and the Jatropha manihot.

  17. It will there be seen that the amylaceous or starchy matter of the grain is first 'saccharified,' and afterwards converted into alcohol, and that certain precautions are necessary to render the process successful and economical.

  18. For this purpose physiologists prefer the fatty to the amylaceous varieties of diet.

  19. For this purpose, almost every amylaceous vegetable at once plentiful and cheap has, in its turn, been eagerly appropriated.

  20. Roasted corn, and other amylaceous substances, may also be detected, in the same way, by the peculiar size and character of their starch grains.

  21. The bones, being heavier than the amylaceous substances, are to be found in the apex of the cone formed by the residue.

  22. As soon as the amylaceous matter has entirely settled to the bottom of the vessel, the greater portion of the water is decanted, and the residual mass brought upon a small filter and allowed to dry.

  23. Their presence is also easily detected by the distinctive properties of the vegetable itself, and by the appearance of the amylaceous residue in the microscopic examination.

  24. The remaining portion of the washings, after being decanted from the residue of amylaceous matter, is filtered and evaporated until a yellowish translucent pellicle appears upon its surface.

  25. Should this examination fail to give a definite result, the remaining portion of the amylaceous residue is subjected to a sort of levigation, and the part most slowly deposited separated.

  26. Upon boiling the suspected milk, and adding tincture of iodine, the amylaceous substances present produce a blue coloration in the fluid.

  27. Every textile amylaceous fiber is convertible into these forms, more or less, by strong sulphuric acid.

  28. The fibers of cotton, flax, and ramie are examples of amylaceous cellulose, that is to say, these fibers are converted into starchy matter by treatment with the last-named acid.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "amylaceous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    adhesive; clammy; clotted; curdled; doughy; gelatinous; gluey; glutinous; gumbo; gummy; heavy; jellied; mucilaginous; pasty; ropy; slimy; starchy; sticky; stodgy; stringy; syrupy; tacky; tenacious; thick; thickened; tough; viscid; viscous