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Example sentences for "slimy"

Lexicographically close words:
slime; slimes; slimly; slimmer; slimness; sling; slinger; slingers; slinging; slings
  1. The lindworm, with its flat head and duck's beak, darted after fish, and crept up to the surface of the earth through the slimy ways of mire and marsh.

  2. In some of the ponds the water had about gone, and the capybaras had become for the time being beasts of the marsh and the mud; although they could always find little slimy pools, under a mass of water-lilies, in which to lie and hide.

  3. The floating masses of marsh grass, and the slimy stems of the water-plants, doubled our work as we swam, cumbered by our clothing and boots and holding our rifles aloft.

  4. Even as they were uttered, dragged across the slimy floor of the cellar by the detective, he stretched forth his hand and pressed a groove in what appeared to be a wall of solid stone.

  5. As the body of the falling man struck the slimy floor of the old sub-cellar beneath the Donegal Shades, Detective Hook sprang back against the damp and dripping wall.

  6. A sere land of rock plains, and swamps where slimy life mated, lived and died.

  7. Garin watched him reach the lip and crawl over, to stagger across the steaming rock, dodging the scalding vapor of hot springs, until he pitched face down in the slimy mud.

  8. The shoveller sprang from the platform and began clambering over the slippery, slimy rocks like a crab, his red shirt marked with the white "X" of his suspenders in relief against the blue water.

  9. A dismal hole, Gregory,” says I, holding up the lanthorn and gazing round me at the damp walls, up the chiselled face of which crawled a multitude of slugs and snails that left a slimy silver track behind them.

  10. She trembled somewhat as we crossed the slimy floor of the great cellar and came to the entrance to the passage.

  11. There was naught left to me but to steal gently along the slimy walls of the byre (ugh!

  12. Very slowly the thick slimy water in the channel bore the living, muddy tangle that surrounded her along; she felt the corners of her mouth rub against the sides of the channel; she could scarcely breathe.

  13. Through the dim rosiness of the cheeks I could see the brown leaves, the slimy twigs, the acorns and the sparkling sand.

  14. Nasty, slimy water," she said aloud, "you have lost me!

  15. I afterwards found a lime-leaf sticking there, and I know that the slimy blood touched not that spot.

  16. Thither he hastened that he might renew his power once more, and in that black and slimy spot he found the treasures indeed.

  17. Then the hare changed into a fish, and the fish into a bird, and the bird into a slimy wriggling snake.

  18. In a moment the small slimy body disappeared, and in its place stood a beautiful beast with branching horns and slender legs, quivering with longing to be gone.

  19. But the river giant was so slimy that the blow slid harmlessly off his green chest, and as Makoma stumbled and tried to regain his balance, the giant swung one of his long hairs around him and tripped him up.

  20. The sounds that in summer bubbled up from its deep well-like shaft were silent now; the indistinguishable dripping of a hundred waste-pipes, that turned the court into a little well with green slimy walls, was silent too.

  21. The sleeping-accommodation of the dak bungalow may hardly be described as luxurious; ants and other insects swarm in myriads, and lizards drag their slimy length about the timber of the walls and ceiling.

  22. Falling backward his head touched the edge of the swift running water, which was now filling his long, black locks with slimy sediment.

  23. Feel, feel me, here, If I be madly throbbing in the fear For that cold slimy worm.

  24. A little girl with her ragged skirt full of slimy seaweed began to sob despairingly, lugging her soaked burden close to the man who carried the light.

  25. The spray of the water drenched that way, feeding small pools in the uneven surface, and strips of yellow weed trailed in slimy ribbons back below the surface of the waves.

  26. As his fingers tightened on the slimy wood he looked up, and loosed that hold again in time perhaps to save his life.

  27. Some four or five miles from the place of the encounter lay a stretch of swampy land, dark and dismal as stagnant water and the slimy growth of swamp vegetation could render it.

  28. The poor lad was too ill to stand; but he lay on the slimy bank, poking and grubbing, with a stick and with his fingers, as deep in the soft soil as he could penetrate.

  29. His clothes were foul and slimy from the serpent's embrace, but he did not seem to be injured.

  30. The shore presented an unbroken perpendicular wall of stone falling sheer to the water, damp and slimy with drippings, while overhead was empty space, a dome of vast height, to judge from the echo of their voices.

  31. Guy sprang forward and launched another spear that entered the slimy body near the center, but neither wound was mortal and the great serpent came on unchecked.

  32. This was not often felt to be an oppressive regulation, for the dozen fields of which the farm consisted contained untold treasures, in the way of hedges rich in birds' nests, and green slimy ponds alive with newts and tadpoles.

  33. And nothing but slimy black earth to lie upon.

  34. Grubs, flies, worms, ants, things soft and slimy and things grim and armored, were piled side by side like cordwood.

  35. I look across the Gasse at our opposite neighbour, as he dandles his baby about, and occasionally takes a spoonful or two of some pale slimy nastiness that looks like dead porridge, if you can take the conception.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "slimy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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