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Example sentences for "anni"

Lexicographically close words:
annexed; annexes; annexing; annext; annexure; annihilate; annihilated; annihilates; annihilating; annihilation
  1. And yf hit so be that hit be more, loke how many yeres hit passeth, and with so many entere into thy tables in the first lyne ther-as is writen anni collecti et expansi.

  2. It corresponds also with Pope Leo the Great's definition, "jejunia ecclesiastica per totius anni circulum distributa.

  3. Mi pare mill’ anni is an Italian expression which signifies to long; we make use of it only in the present of the Indicative, and the following verb must be in the Infinitive with the Preposition di.

  4. I have been twelve years in this country; render, Sono dódici anni che sto in questo paése.

  5. The inscription over the arbour gives the list of the various trees in the garden of Anni during his lifetime.

  6. There are also vases stamped ANNI only; they probably belong to the first century B.

  7. Pur non di manco a questi anni di nuovo, da un dotto huomo in questa lingua volgarizzato et esposto, et piu a lungo che alcun altro che cio habbia fin qui adoprato ancor mai.

  8. Singula de nobis anni prædantur euntes=--The years as they pass bereave us first of one thing and then another.

  9. We meet with it even in Italian poetry: E sovra il dorso un nano si piccino Che sembri di quattr' anni un fanciullino.

  10. The second was that there should be two complete anni medici in St. Andrews; but this was at the time impracticable, owing to the insufficiency of adequate medical teaching.

  11. And this he spoke not of dixit: sed cum esset pontifex himself: but being the high- anni illius, prophetavit quod priest of that year, he Iesus moriturus erat pro prophesied that Jesus should gente.

  12. Ulpian, xiv: feminis lex Iulia a morte viri anni tribuit vacationem, a divortio sex mensum; lex autem Papia a morte viri biennii, a repudio anni et sex mensum.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "anni" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.