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Example sentences for "arche"

Lexicographically close words:
archdeacons; archdiocese; archducal; archduchesses; archdukes; arched; archegonia; archegonium; archenteric; archenteron
  1. Therefore helped I yt by my chappell and by an arche I builded from ye toppe of ye aisle to the roofe of ye chappell to bond ye whole at ye angle.

  2. At last when Easter Eve dawned on a most unhappy town, news came that the young King with his uncles the Regents was waiting at Pont de l'Arche and would only enter armed and by a breach, into the town which had rebelled against him.

  3. But nothing happened, and both at Alençon and at Pont de l'Arche the English King was easily able to put off the negotiations which were the only sign of help that Rouen got from Paris.

  4. It was no easy matter to find this apocalypse, my reader may judge; it had been published at the trouble and expense of Hetzel, under the title of Arche de la nouvelle Alliance.

  5. The most enthusiastic of the Evadian apostles was he who was once Caillaux, who published the Arche de la nouvelle alliance.

  6. He was the Mapah's Saint John; the Arche de la nouvelle alliance was the gospel which told the passion of Humanity to whose rescue the Christ of the Ile Saint Louis was come.

  7. A trip up the valley of the Eure, from Pont de l'Arche to its rise near the southern boundary of Normandy and on up the valley of the Avre, will be wholly a new experience to many.

  8. THE SEINE FROM PONT DE L'ARCHE TO LA ROCHE-GUYON Up the river from Pont de l'Arche the beauties of the Seine are truly irresistible to the true traveller of artistic proclivities.

  9. Pont de l'Arche was one of the first towns of Normandy to open its gates to Henri IV.

  10. Between Pont de l'Arche and Rouen is Elbeuf, perhaps as famous to-day for its cloth-manufactories as for its storied past.

  11. Therein was conceded to the monks at Jumièges, the right to fish from Pont de l'Arche up to the Pont de Rouen.



  14. The Gaillon hill has come to be accepted as the severest test an automobile can be put to on the main roads of France; but the rest of the twenty kilometres from Vernon to Pont de l'Arche is a superbly levelled highway.

  15. Pont de l'Arche is the birthplace of Hyacinthe Langlois, architect and antiquary.

  16. THE SEINE FROM ROUEN TO PONT DE L'ARCHE Rouen is truly celebrated for its art; but above all it interests the tourist by reason of the multiplicity and accessibility of its sights.

  17. The seeling of the walles as aforesayde, mounted vp to the bendyng of the Arche from the Chapters which stood vpon their strict and vpright Antes euen to the vttermost ende of the entrie, which was by my perspectiue iudgement twelue paces.

  18. The firste arche whereof the bridge was throwen downe, they passed with the timber bridge whiche they carried with them at ease.

  19. A description of the taking of Pont de l'Arche will be found in the Histoire du roy Charles VII.

  20. A plot was also laid to surprise the town of Pont-de-l'Arche on the Seine, just as Fougères had been surprised by the English.

  21. It was completely successful, and Pont-de-l'Arche was captured by stratagem early in the morning of the 16th of May, by a body of adventurers professedly in the service of Brittany.

  22. Nota also, that the arche of the equinoxial, that is contened or bownded by-twixe the two meridians, is cleped the longitude of the towne.

  23. D, is equal to the lesser arche line of the seconde circle, that is F.

  24. Or els thus may you declare it causally: Bicause the arche line B.

  25. And so in like manner the lesser arche line of the firste circle, beynge B.

  26. Afterward do lykewaies with the other arche and his corde, and where those .

  27. Parte that arche line into two partes, equall other vnequall, it maketh no force, and vnto ech portion draw a corde, other a stringline.

  28. As firste, when I sette the one foote in A, then with the other foote I doo make twoo arche lines, one in E, and an other in F.

  29. In equall circles, those angles whiche bee made on equall arche lynes, are euer equall together, whether they be made on the centre, or on the circumference.

  30. D, beinge the greater arch line of the firste circle, is equall to the arche line F.

  31. And then accordyng as you dyd in one arche in the .

  32. In equal circles, equall right lines beinge drawen, doo cutte awaye equalle arche lines frome their circumferences, so that the greater arche line of the one is equall to the greater arche line of the other, and the lesser to the lesser.

  33. And where the laste theoreme spake affirmatiuely of the arche lines, this theoreme speaketh conditionally of them, as thus: If the arche line B.

  34. Then sette I my compasse (whiche is opened according to the semidiameter of the said circle) fixing one foote in the end of euery semidiameter, and drawe with the other foote twoo arche lines, one on euery side.

  35. Like wise setting the compasse foote in C, I drawe twoo other arche lines, G.

  36. We left Pont de l'Arche the other day with sad and anxious hearts; during the journey Mad.

  37. You will not have to scold me any more; I am going to take your advice and leave Pont de l'Arche to-day.

  38. Arche and Hassack[48] give the following details as the result of their analyses of three specimens of bronze: I.

  39. From Rouen we run out to Grand-Andely, Elbeuf or Pont de l'Arche before we push up the river Seine to Paris.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "arche" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.