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Example sentences for "assoone"

Lexicographically close words:
assonance; assonances; assonant; assone; assoon; assort; assorted; assorting; assortment; assortments
  1. Babylon, the Levites having hid their sacred fire in the bottome of a well or pit, 70 yeares, after they found there a thicke water and whitish, who assoone as ever the Sunbeames gave thereon, tooke fire.

  2. Assoone as night was come he put vs on land and bad vs shift for our selues.

  3. Assoone therefore as we came to the Court, the princes called for Don Bartholomew, and sent him to Hispaniola with three ships, &c.

  4. Ah that thou would'st assoone affoord a Graue, As thou canst yeeld a melancholly seate: Then would I hide my bones, not rest them heere, Ah who hath any cause to mourne but wee?

  5. You may assoone make her that you Loue beleeue it, which I warrant she is apter to do, then to confesse she do's: that is one of the points, in the which women stil giue the lie to their consciences.

  6. Assoone as the galley came neere vs, my L.

  7. For in the towne where they were, assoone as winter came in, they were so inclosed and compassed with water, that they could go no farther by land, then a league, and a league and an half.

  8. The Gouernour commanded all men to leape into the water, and going between them and the shore, and thrusting the brigandines into the Sea assoone as the waue was past, they saued them till the winde ceased.

  9. The Alcalde Mayor tooke the Gouernour home to his house: and commanded al the rest, assoone as they came, to be lodged 6.

  10. The Gouernour told him that assoone as he was recouered, himselfe would seeke him out.

  11. Assoone as they saw a place conuenient for it, they [Sidenote: Dried horseflesh for food.

  12. Those which came after, assoone as they saw Calderon come to an anchor with his brigandine in the Riuer, presently went thither, and came into the hauen.

  13. Who, assoone as they vnderstood of his approch, hauing newes thereof long before, came foorth to receiue him with shewes of great ioy.

  14. And assoone as the one partie hath gotten the victorie, he demandeth the debt, and the other is carried to prison, and there is shamefully vsed till he take order.

  15. Assoone as they were come neere them, their guides shewed them by signes that Ouade was in this company, wherefore our men set forward to salute him.

  16. And that they well shewed assoone as I was come, and that I had distributed that little maiz among them, which I had giuen to ech man, before I came out of the barke: for they eate it before they had taken it out of the huske.

  17. They espied thirtie Indians comming ouer a plaine, which the Cacique sent, to discouer the Christians determination: and assoone as they had sight of them, they tooke themselues to flight.

  18. Assoone as he came to Apalache presently the Gouernour sent sawed plankes and spikes to the sea side, wherewith was made a piragua or barke, wherein were embarked 30.

  19. Hee staied there sixe daies because of a Riuer that passed by it, which at that time was very hie; and assoone as the Riuer suffered him to passe, he set forward, and lodged at a towne named Vllibahali.

  20. M610) Assoone as the people were come on shore, hee pitched his campe on the sea side, hard vpon the Bay which went vp vnto the towne.

  21. But assoone as night was come, they neuer left dancing and playing a thousand gambols, in honour of the feast.

  22. Notwithstanding assoone as they were passed ouer, with a French courage they prepared themselues to the assault on the Sunday eue next after Easter day, in April 1568.

  23. Next to your Wheate, you shall haue regard to your Barly, for it sodainely ripeneth, and must be cut downe assoone as you perceiue the straw is turned white, to the bottome, and the eares bended downe to the groundward.

  24. But I make account assoone as the king of Spaine hath quietnesse in Christendome, he wil thrust him out: for that the kings force is not great as yet; but he meaneth to be stronger.

  25. If thou wilt here obiect that the persons afore alleaged were saints and martirs, we say farther, that paradice was opened also to the théef assoone as he became repentant.

  26. Assoone as he had so saide, all the whole rout of spirits cried thrée times with one voyce: pray for vs, pray for vs, pray for vs.

  27. The Turkes also beléeue that the soule is immortall, and that assoone as they are loosed from the bodie, they come either into a place of rest, or of torment.

  28. Saincte =Herome= in his commentaries, and other fathers do conclude, that God doth assigne vnto euery soule assoone as he createth him his peculiar Angell, which taketh care of him.

  29. Shée did there both present her selfe vnto his sight, and also told him, it should shortly come to passe, that the euill towardes him should cease, assoone as he came to Sparta.

  30. By these places it may be euidently gathered, yͭ the soules of the faithful are takē vp into eternal ioy: and the soules of the vnfaithful assoone as they are departed frō their bodies are condemned to perpetual torment.

  31. But let vs both togither call vnto Almightie God, that it may please him to restore thy hand againe, which came presently to passe assoone as they had thus saide.

  32. Assoone as these things were scattered about the citie, by & by there was a great thronging of people.

  33. Before, all haue doubted whether the thing were so or no, but assoone as the Pope doth giue his verdicte, or some Church man do in his dreame sée it to be so, it is a heynouse matter afterwards to doubt of it.

  34. Winter and the other marchants, that this matter may take effect And let me haue your answere herein assoone as conueniently you may, for that the time of the yeere draweth nigh that this businesse must be done.

  35. Iames the bastard assoone as his father was dead, of a bishop became a souldiour, and with an army wanne the Iland, making it his owne by force.

  36. And of their banners our men gate one, for it was not possible to get any more: for assoone as any of our men went vp on our repaires, he was slaine with small gunnes of the trenches, and holes made in the walles of our ditches.

  37. Who assoone as they had encouraged their Souldiours, [Footnote: The forwardnesse of the captaine at dangerous times not only much comforteth the common souldier, but also increaseth greatly his credit and commendation with all men.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "assoone" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.