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Example sentences for "beautee"

Lexicographically close words:
beau; beaucoup; beaudiful; beaus; beaute; beauteous; beautie; beauties; beautification; beautifie
  1. Fair was this mayde in excellent beautee Aboven every wight that man may see; For nature hath with sovereyn diligence Y-formed hir in so greet excellence, 10 As though she wolde seyn, 'lo!

  2. For right as a sowe wroteth in everich ordure, so wroteth she hir beautee in the stinkinge ordure of sinne.

  3. The odour of floures and the fresshe sighte Wolde han maad any herte for to lighte That ever was born, but-if to gret siknesse, 915 Or to gret sorwe helde it in distresse; So ful it was of beautee with plesaunce.

  4. And with that sighte hir beautee hurte him so, That, if that Palamon was wounded sore, 1115 Arcite is hurt as muche as he, or more.

  5. I may yow nat devyse al hir beautee; But thus muche of hir beautee telle I may, That she was lyk the brighte morwe of May, Fulfild of alle beautee and plesaunce.

  6. This yongest, which that wente un-to the toun, Ful ofte in herte he rolleth up and doun (510) The beautee of thise florins newe and brighte.

  7. She don't look half such a beautee as she did when I first caught sight of her.

  8. Yes, I have one beautee smoke-cap, just suiting one padre sahib!

  9. I haven't seen such a beautee all my days!

  10. The deputee of the god of beautee was moved to volunteer a great revelation.

  11. I wondered if ever since the world began, the young god of beautee looking down from his crystal throne had beheld a stranger ritual of adoration!

  12. Dryf out that bittre hope, and make good chere, And clepe ayein the beautee of your face, That ye with salte teres so deface.

  13. Of whiche clothinge yif the beautee be agreeable to loken up-on, I wol mervailen on the nature of the matere of thilke clothes, or elles on the werkman that wroughte hem.

  14. But certes, yif ther were beautee or bountee in the shyninge of stones, thilke cleernesse is of the stones hem-self, and nat of men; for whiche I wondre 30 gretly that men mervailen on swiche thinges.

  15. In the whiche thinges, yif ther be no beautee to ben desyred, why sholdest thou ben sory yif thou lese hem, or why sholdest thou reioysen thee to holden hem?

  16. The godlihede or beautee which that kinde 1730 In any other lady hadde y-set Can not the mountaunce of a knot unbinde, A-boute his herte, of al Criseydes net.

  17. And for as moche as honours of poeple ne may nat maken folk digne of honour, it is wel seyn cleerly that they ne han no propre beautee of dignitee.

  18. And the beautee of feldes, delyteth it nat mochel un-to yow?

  19. Wo worth that beautee that is routhelees!

  20. And with hir riche beautee ever-more Strof love in hir, ay which of hem was more.

  21. The amiable Fortune bindeth with the beautee of false goodes the hertes of folk that usen hem; the contrarie Fortune unbindeth hem by the 15 knowinge of freele welefulnesse.

  22. And ye, that been of beautee crop and rote, If therwith-al in you ther be no routhe, Than is it harm ye liven, by my trouthe!

  23. Trewly, the condicion of good wening is to thee mistourned, to wene, your noblesse be not in your-selfe, but in the goodes and beautee of other thinges.

  24. How passinge is the beautee of flesshly bodyes, more flittinge than movable floures of sommer!

  25. Also the yere with-draweth floures and beautee of herbes and of erth; the same +yere maketh springes and jolite in Vere so to renovel with peinted coloures, that erthe semeth as gay as heven.

  26. But my lady is so avisee 215 That, bountee and beautee bothe in her demeyne, She maketh bountee alway soverayne.

  27. O lewde book, with thy foole rudenesse, Sith thou hast neither beautee n'eloquence, Who hath thee caused, or yeve thee hardinesse For to appere in my ladyes presence?

  28. B 4350):--'For whan I see the beautee of your face.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beautee" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.