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Example sentences for "beautie"

Lexicographically close words:
beaudiful; beaus; beaute; beautee; beauteous; beauties; beautification; beautifie; beautified; beautifier
  1. This ladie excelled all other, as well in beautie and fauour, as in wit and policie, and was of stomach and courage more like to a man than a woman.

  2. The beautie of the towne in maner standeth in one stréet, yet be there manie lanes in the towne besides.

  3. Herevpon returning to the king, he informed him that the damosell was not of such beautie and comelie personage, as might be thought woorthie to match in mariage with his maiestie.

  4. She vsed to buy great numbers of yoong persons, and namelie maids that were of anie excellent beautie and personage, whome she sent ouer into Denmarke, and there sold them to hir most aduantage.

  5. Oh yes, I saw sweet beautie in her face, Such as the daughter of Agenor had, That made great Ioue to humble him to her hand, When with his knees he kist the Cretan strond Tra.

  6. Why doth not beautie then refine the wit?

  7. That if you be honest and faire, your Honesty should admit no discourse to your Beautie Ophe.

  8. I trulie: for the power of Beautie, will sooner transforme Honestie from what is, to a Bawd, then the force of Honestie can translate Beautie into his likenesse.

  9. Could Beautie my Lord, haue better Comerce then your Honestie?

  10. If the sight and hearing of this harmonious beautie work in you effects of wonder, what will the possession of so diuine an essence, wherein beautie and Art dwell in their perfect excellencie.

  11. Euphues and his England' began first that language; all our ladyes were then his schollers; and that beautie in court, which could not parley eupheueisme was as little regarded, as shee which now there speakes not French.

  12. Beautie nor time cannot bee recalde, and if thou love, like of Montanus; for if his desires are manie, so his deserts are great.

  13. This Gentleman for the loue of his Captaine was come into that countrey, where was arriued the Countesse of Arande, and in beholding the beautie and good grace of her daughter, which was not then past XII.

  14. Which report Modesta reuealed to Rolandine, sayinge that diuers persons did speake euill of her, for that she vsed to talke with the bastard, that neither was of sufficient abilitie for her to marie, ne yet of beautie worthie to be beloued.

  15. And this beautie so exquisite, was associated with wonderfull eloquence, as doubtfull to say, whether merited greatest honor, either his grace and beautie, or his excellent tongue.

  16. And amonges other thinges he tolde him of the beautie of this Ladie, who sent his Painter called Iohn of Paris, to bring him her counterfaicte: which with the consent of her husband, he did.

  17. Amadour that gased vpon the beautie of that lady, was rapt and surprised, not well able to render thankes vnto her.

  18. Forsweare it sight, I neuer saw true beautie till this night.

  19. Ah Iuliet Thy beautie makes me thus effeminate, And in my temper softens valors steele.

  20. I never saw a beautie more divine Grossely deform'd by her notorious lust.

  21. Thou might'st bee proud, great Lord, of my abundance, For in this beautie I shall more renowne Our noble progenie then all the pennes Of the best Poets that ere writ of men.

  22. Nature unto her selfe is too unkind To buzze such scruples into Fredericks minde; Twas a device of man to avoid selfe love, Else every pleasure in one stocke should move, Beautie in grace part never from the kinne.

  23. She is rich in jewells, and hath store of treasure Got by the slavery of that choice beautie Which otherwise admires her to the world.

  24. I know not what he wrote or whether he was any more than a common-prayer Doctor; but most remarqueable by his wife, who was the greatest beautie in her time in England.

  25. Leech, a most elegant beautie and witt, daughter of Sir E.

  26. I doe not finde that pronenesse since the faire Bella Maria died, my bloud is cold, Nor is there beautie enough surviving To highten me to wantonnesse, who waites?

  27. I can, and give a perfect censure of Each line and point, distinguish beautie from A thousand formes, which your corrupted optiks Would passe for naturall.

  28. Thou wast euer an obstinate heretique in the despight of Beautie Clau.

  29. I will love him that shal trace or unfeather me; I meane through clearenesse of judgement, and by the onely distinction of the force and beautie of my discourses.

  30. I can never reade him so often but still I discover some new grace and beautie in him.

  31. My ignorance shall better excuse me, in that I see nothing in the beautie of his language.

  32. O why should beautie (custome to obey) To their grosse sence applie her selfe so ill?

  33. Then, in these teares, the mirror of these eyes, Thy fayrest youth and Beautie doe I see Imprinted in my teares by looking still on thee: Thus midst a thousand woes ten thousand joyes arise.

  34. Heape thine own vertues, seasoned by their sunne, On heauenly top of thy diuine desire; Then with thy beautie set the same on fire, So by thy death thy life shall be begunne.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beautie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.