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Example sentences for "birthright"

Lexicographically close words:
birthmark; birthmarks; birthnight; birthplace; birthrate; birthrights; births; bis; bisan; biscop
  1. Many of our kind have renounced their birthright to go among your people, become like you and share your hideous lives.

  2. Without money a man cannot claim his birthright of freedom; getting money he loses his independence and his character.

  3. But Kansas would not sell her birthright for a mess of pottage.

  4. His case will stand as a warning against future violations of the liberty which is the birthright of every American, and against the danger of appeasing popular clamor by the sacrifice of an innocent man.

  5. The indignation against Henry, who had pitifully yielded his son's birthright for the privilege of reigning unmolested during his own life, is worthy of her, and gives rise to a beautiful speech.

  6. The glare of his birthright has dazzled his young faculties.

  7. We urge you by your self-respect, by every consideration for the human race, to arise and take possession of your birthright to freedom and equality.

  8. I sold my birthright for a bale of cotton," he said, briefly.

  9. But it was the consciousness of the bartered birthright and the dead pictures in his studio which kept him from "whistling" very often.

  10. Nor can it be persuaded to exchange its birthright for any mess of efficiency-pottage at the hands of the bureaucracy.

  11. Will no one quicken this slow herdsman's steps The unquestioned birthright of a royal name Let this proud queen possess!

  12. Your birthright of independence and energy finds itself facing essentially the same perplexities as those which confront the inhabitants of other civilizations where the tide of existence runs strong and exuberant.

  13. The Almighty made him a man, and he wouldn't sell his birthright to loaf his days away, overfed, at Carnaby.

  14. Take notice that a child's birthright is freedom.

  15. Thus an unfortunate child will put up a fight for his birthright and he will not yield without returning to the struggle.

  16. His companion was very alluring, he was weak in mind and body, very grateful to one who had saved his life for him, and loath to resume the burden which was part of his birthright as a civilized Englishman.

  17. He had seen the end of other Britons who, selling their birthright for a few years' indulgence, sank beyond the level of the beasts.

  18. Don't throw away your birthright by ignoring the fact.

  19. The conditions that direct the order of the whole of the living world around us, are marked by their persistence in improving the birthright of successive generations.

  20. Then I must inform you I loved her first, and cannot quit the claim, But will preserve the birthright of my passion.

  21. Elder Barton exhorting his hearers said: "Paul may plant and Apolinarus water, but if you keeps on tradin' off your birthright for a pot of Messapotamia you'se gwine to git lost.

  22. In some moods she was little better than a waif of the streets, who had learned to beg like a mendicant at a church door; in others her birthright gave her a wonderful dignity before which the plebeian in John Faber was dumb.

  23. This should have been looked for, and it would have been if he had realised a little earlier the nature of her birthright and its consequences.

  24. They were a deep violet now, large, shining with tragic softness--like the eyes of an angel that has lost its birthright through no fault of its own.

  25. A pale-faced woman in the orthodox attire of the birthright Friends sat beside the miller and clung to him in evident terror at the horse's behavior.

  26. Bad luck was all the birthright ever I inherited," said the old man, passionately; "bad luck in everything I touched through life!

  27. Loyalty and courage are not the birthright of only one of our name!

  28. Far be it from me to say a word to lower that just and honorable pride which is the birthright of the American girl.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "birthright" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.